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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа


MINCE Guidelines for Disability Care Organisations

Profile picture for user EPALE Österreich.
EPALE Österreich

The MINCE Guidelines for Disability Care Organisations were developed as part of the project MINCE – Model for Inclusive Community Education. The project received funding from the European Commission, within the framework of ERASMUS+, from November 2015 until October 2017. The project was headed by Lebenshilfen Soziale Dienste GmbH (Austria) and was realised together with six partners, all of them European non-governmental organisations

The MINCE Guidelines for disability care institutions aim to facilitate the social inclusion of people with severe intellectual disabilities. On the one hand, the Guidelines support the assessment and adjustment of existing services in terms of their compatibility with the
idea of the social inclusion of people with severe intellectual disabilities.
On the other hand, the Guidelines will describe strategies for disability care organisations to expand their responsibilities in terms of Inclusive Community Education.


  1. The MINCE Guidelines for Disability Care Organisations
  2. Legal Framework for the Social Inclusion of People with Severe Intellectual Disabilities
  3. Criteria of Social Inclusion
  4. Criteria of Social Inclusion and Community Education
  5. Measures and Contribution of Disability Care Organisations
  6. Measures Related to Personal or Individual Matters
  7. Summary

Website: Lebenshilfe | MINCE

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MINCE - Model for Inclusive Community Education [Hrsg.]
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