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EPALE - Piattaforma elettronica per l'Apprendimento permanente in Europa



EPALE Newscast #1.2024 - EPALE for a just, sustainable and equal society

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor

A fresh and renewed series of episodes is ready to air!

The first episode in 2024 is rich in content and full of innovations, and we can't wait to go live and show them to you. A revamped format, an all-new design and a great novelty will be launched with this new episode.

We just can't help it... we really need to announce the biggest news: Tamsin Rose - our EPALE Community Conference moderator, host and friendly face of EPALE - will be the regular host of the Newscasts! We are thrilled to develop our cooperation even closer.

As usual, the EPALE Newscast will be live at noon on the very first Monday of the Month. And now, what's cooking?

What’s on the menu for this episode?

A selection of news from the Adult Learning and Education sector, plus some announcements in the policy field and what is not to be missed at this moment. Moreover, the biggest news from the EPALE Community and the unmissable content and topics, such as the 2024 EPALE Thematic Focuses and the most recent Community Storybook. a special surprise. 

When and where?

See you on Monday 5 February at noon

In case you can't make it live, you can always watch the episode on your own time... and watch it over and over :) Where? Here, in the dedicated menu item on EPALE, and on our YouTube channel.

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Simona Kaneva
Mar, 02/06/2024 - 20:01

Случай от преди няколко дни: 

Влизам в местното РУО, залепени плакати за изпълнението на всякакви програми и проекти за крупни суми… Влизам в кабинет, вътре 3 дами (за да не ги обиждам с лелички, но и не съм сигурна дали служителки би било правилно…) доста безразлично настроени към обстановката. Питам ги дали биха ме насочили към някакъв курс за професионално обучение или нещо подобно.. Те ми заявяват, че тука не се занимават с такива неща, но и не уточняват с какво по-точно се занимават и че аз като толкоз пък имам желание да се образовам да си намеря къде.?!?

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Profile picture for user Ērodeja Kirillova.
Ērodeja Kirillova
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
Sab, 01/27/2024 - 12:41

Tas ir ļoti aktuāli, lai aizņemti cilvēki var noskatīties sev ērtā laikā interesējošos informāciju.

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Mar, 02/06/2024 - 08:44

In risposta a di Ērodeja Kirillova

So glad you like this format, Erodeja!

All the best

Sara - EPALE Moderator

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