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Margherita Colantuono: I desire a future of emotional and social abilities

I think it is important and urgent to contribute to the spread of Emotional Education and all those so-called "soft" transversal skills.

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Margherita Colantuono

Short bio

Not yet 35 years old and with a Marketing Degree and nearly a decade of experience. I have been a Professional Coach and technician in NLP since 2019. I alternate this vocation with work in PerFormArti, a company I founded that provides useful tools to enhance soft skills and develop talent. In addition, I’m a mentor in the “GEN C” project promoted by ANG and Ashoka, as well as an Erasmus+ Ambassador for Adult Education in Basilicata.

My story

I desire a future in which greater space is given to not just technical skills; we need to focus on the in-depth study and dissemination of emotional and social abilities as key elements for managing the complex world of relationships. Along with this, I am in favor of the development of a more participatory and humane eco-system.

In a world increasingly influenced by algorithms and Artificial Intelligence, obsessed by the cult of aesthetics, ego, and consumerism, we are left with too little space for knowledge of a world of relations.

By this, I mean a world composed of feelings and emotions that we are often incapable of recognizing and managing as children and adults. And we are paying the consequences. While on the one hand, machine learning, and deep learning algorithms have undergone such an evolution that they are able to solve complex technical problems, on the other hand, it becomes more necessary than ever to focus on the development and strengthening of emotional and social skills. They are irreplaceable and cannot be replicated by robots representing our personal inner world.

This is why I think it is important and urgent to contribute to the spread of Emotional Education and all those so-called "soft" transversal skills. I am referring to the ability to listen and empathize. In addition, this means having the ability to recognize and manage one's own and others' feelings and emotions, as well as the ability to communicate effectively, work in a team, negotiate and manage relationships. In this sense, the role of educators becomes of fundamental importance.

In this area, it is necessary to give space to the teaching of Emotional Intelligence, i.e., an individual's ability to recognise, distinguish and manage their own emotions and those of others.

Margherita as a speaker

Daniel Goleman classifies the skills involved in emotional intelligence into the following:

  • self-awareness
  • self-control
  • motivation
  • empathy
  • and social skills.

Inherent in human beings, they need to be constantly developed, trained, and perfected to better govern emotions, overcome difficulties, and relate to others.

Finally, I think it is also necessary to give space to developing a collective conscience that respects and cares for the environment.

3 necessary skills for the future?

Margherita's skills

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