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EPALE - Plateforme électronique pour l'éducation et la formation des adultes en Europe

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Découvrez les dernières informations sur la manière dont l'UE promeut la politique d'éducation et de formation des adultes

Applied Filters

Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)
Financial literacy is very important for the future prosperity of the societies. For this reason, Educators have many responsibilities in establishing financial literacy awareness and spreading it to broader audiences.
Commencé par
Akkent Gencay
|Publié sur 20 hours passé
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Our aim is dedicated to advancing diverse areas of learning and teaching, with a strong focus on inclusive education and cultural preservation. We prioritize special population groups including youth, immigrants, the elderly, individuals with low education levels, and those requiring special education. Emphasizing cooperation and solidarity among people from various countries, we also focus on the education of parents, women, environmental, and multicultural groups. We implement a wide range of educational initiatives and provide comprehensive training for trainers, utilizing interactive and modern teaching methodologies. Our mission is to promote innovative skills development and culturally inclusive education, empowering individuals and communities to thrive in an ever changing world.
Commencé par
Stylianos Symeonides
|Publié sur 4 days passé
Accredited organisation
Erasmus+ mobility activities (Key Action 1)

Our goal is to enrich our educational programs, facilitate the exchange of best practices, and promote educational mobility within our community.

Commencé par
ŠAVB Library
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Publié sur 5 days passé
In the climate crisis facing our world, we see that we are on an irreversible path to deal with the mistakes of previous generations. Under the leadership of Greta Thunberg, the issue of climate change has become a major agenda item worldwide. Research in Europe shows that young climate activists often come from disadvantaged backgrounds such as vulnerable groups and poor women. With this project, we believe that we will make significant contributions to vulnerable groups in terms of raising environmental awareness.
Commencé par
Profile picture for user projectosydv.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Publié sur 6 days passé
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
To increase the social responsibility awareness of young people in the society and to play an active role in the social assistance and solidarity assistance provided by the state,-To draw attention to social and material problems in society through young people in the community and to develop solutions,-To improve the social skills of young people to strengthen their social skills such as empathy, cooperation and leadership,-Supporting Civil Society Organizations and demonstrating their social impact by providing concrete assistance to local communities with this project
Commencé par
Profile picture for user projectosydv.
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
|Publié sur 6 days passé