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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa


Comparison report of European Qualifications Framework and Ukrainian National Qualifications Framework

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This report, written jointly with Ukrainian and European partners, and the European Training Foundation (ETF), is the result of a pilot project to explore the value of comparing third countries’ national qualifications frameworks (NQF) with the European Qualification Framework (EQF). It is an important step in facilitating the recognition of qualifications and skills between EU member states and non-member states, improving cross-border career, employment and study opportunities for individuals, and ensuring companies and economies make better use of skills.

Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine on 24 February 2022 has underscored the importance of comparing qualifications frameworks. The invasion not only hastened Ukraine’s request to strengthen its ties to the EU, but it forced the movement of millions of displaced Ukrainians to the European Union. In order to face the influx of Ukrainians into the EU, the Temporary Protection Directive was passed unanimously on 1 March 2022 conferring special rights to Ukrainian nationals fleeing the war including the right to housing and employment in any EU Member State for up to three years.

To facilitate integration of displaced Ukrainians into EU labour markets and to ensure they can find jobs that match their skills, their qualifications need to be understood. This comparison report makes it possible by demonstrating how Ukrainian qualifications compare with the EQF.

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Comparison report of the European Qualifications Framework and the Ukrainian National Qualificati...
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