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EPALE - Plataforma electrónica de aprendizaje de adultos en Europa



Four Learners’ Profiles in Adult Education

Four Learners’ Profiles in Adult Education

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Mehmet Ocak
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Four Learners’ Profiles in Adult Education

On average across OECD countries, one in two 25 to 65-year-old workers (50%) does not participate in adult learning and is not willing to participate in the currently available training for job related reasons. These adults are “disengaged”. Rather than being prevented from participating owing to financial, personal or other constraints, they lack willingness or the opportunity to engage in available learning opportunities readily available.

On average across OECD countries, only 26% of 25 to 65-year-olds are engaged in adult learning and satisfied with their level of participation (the “active and satisfied”).

An additional one in ten 25 to 65-year-olds (10%) reports being motivated to participate in available training, but being unable to do so because of different barriers (the “inactive but motivated”).

Finally, 14% of 25 to 65-year-olds adults report they participate in adult learning, but are willing to train more (the “active and seeking more”), although they mention various barriers that leave them dissatisfied with the amount of training that is currently available.

Each of the four groups above represents a unique “learner’s profile”, with different needs, propensity and interest towards adult learning. Throughout this chapter, the term “willingness to train” is used to refer to individuals’ inclination towards training, rather than their actual participation level. As such, adults are considered “willing to train” if they belong to one of the three categories – “active and satisfied”, “active seeking more” and “inactive but motivated”.

This review distinguishes four groups of adults, based on their willingness to participate and their level of participation in adult learning opportunities that are currently available to them:


  1. Inactive and disengaged: Adults who do not participate in adult learning available through their work and declare no interest and availability in participating in such training.
  2. Inactive but motivated: Not in training, but express a desire to learn – adults who declare a willingness to engage in training currently available to them, but do not currently participate in training.
  3. Active and seeking more: In training, but would like to learn more – adults who participate in existing training opportunities, but declare they are willing to undertake more training than what they are currently receiving.
  4. Active and satisfied: In training, and satisfied with the amount of their learning – adults who participate in training and are satisfied with the quantity of training (are not looking to participate more).

Adapted from OECD(2021). OECD Skills Outlook 2021, Learning for Life. Retrieved from


Please click here to read whole report.


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