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Manual for Socio-Labor Integration through Theater for Refugees and Asylum Seekers in the European Union

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David Santos Gonzalez
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

This manual is the result of the Social Ecological Theater Project carried out by the European consortium composed of the entities Naturgeis in Spain, the CoraNE Association in Portugal, and the agricultural union CIA-Toscana in Italy, with the financial support of the Erasmus+ program of the European Union. The main purpose of this project is to develop a standardized tool at the European level that facilitates the social, cultural, and labor integration of displaced individuals throughout the European Union through theatrical techniques, following an agroecological perspective.

The playwright and specialist in social theater, Mr. Fernando Paniagua Blanc, the creator of this methodology, along with contributions from the Portuguese Msx Inês Falcão Luís, and the Italians  Ms Guilia Romolini y Ms Annalisa Saviozz, have constructed a theatrical instrument through theoretical explanations and practical exercises derived from pilot workshops conducted in Spain, Italy, and Portugal throughout the year 2023. This manual includes everything needed to carry out a comprehensive integration process for refugees and asylum seekers through theater. It begins with an introduction that outlines the refugee issue in the EU and highlights the current situation of social theater. Following this, the main body of the text consists of a series of chapters explaining how to approach such a theatrical process, from planning to achieving effective socio-cultural and labor integration.

Resource Details
Presentation of the Methodology Guide for the Labor Integration of Refugees in Europe.
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Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
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