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Linking two books promoting gender equality

Profile picture for user Roseline Le Squere.
Roseline Le Squère
Community Hero (Gold Member).

[Translation : EPALE France]

Equality between girls and boys is one of the most pressing issues across Europe. There are two books that look at the way in which the education of boys and girls influences, and even conditions, all forms of behaviour and societal codes. Two books that represent two different sides of the same coin, with one focusing on girls and the other on boys. 

Dalla parte delle bambine is an essay by Italian author Elena Gianini Belotti, published in 1973. This book explores the socialisation of girls and examines how society influences and shapes their development and behaviour from an early age. (For information: EAN: 9782721004499)

It covers four main themes:

  1. Social conditioning: E. Belotti analyses how, from birth, girls are subjected to a process of social conditioning that prepares them for their role as women in a patriarchal society. This conditioning takes the form of toys, clothes and behaviour encouraged or discouraged by parents, teachers and the media.
  2. Gender stereotypes: the author highlights the gender stereotypes that are instilled in girls, encouraging them to be gentle, passive and obedient, and to value physical appearance more than boys. This conditioning limits their potential and restricts their ambitions.
  3. Education and schools: E. Belotti criticises the education system for perpetuating gender inequalities by treating girls and boys differently. She highlights how teachers, often unconsciously, reinforce traditional gender roles through their expectations and interactions with pupils.
  4. Psychological consequences: the book explores the psychological effects of this socialisation on girls, including losing self-confidence, emotional dependence and accepting subordinate roles. Belotti argues that these effects have a lasting impact on the lives of adult women.

Dalla parte delle bambine has been hailed across Europe for its relevance and incisive analysis of how society shapes gender identities as early as childhood. The book has helped to raise public awareness of the injustice and discrimination suffered by girls and women.

However, some critics point out that E. Belotti may be generalising certain observations and not taking sufficient account of cultural and individual differences. Despite this, her work remains a major reference in gender studies and feminist education.

Dalla parte delle bambine is a fundamental work that sheds light on the insidious mechanisms of gendered socialisation and calls for a transformation of educational practices to enable girls to reach their full potential without the constraints of gender stereotypes.

Although not written with this intention in mind, readers will find a mirror image of this book in Tu seras un homme féministe, mon fils (You will be a feminist, my son), written by Aurélia Blanc in 2018, in which the author addresses her son. She shares her thoughts on how boys and men can be brought up to be feminists. The author explores the different facets of masculinity and feminism, and offers practical advice to help parents bring up their sons with a focus on gender equality. (For information: ISBN 2501134052)

The four main themes are: 

  1. The construction of masculinity and its implications for gender relations;
  2. The importance of education and socialisation in instilling values of equality and respect for women and non-binary people;
  3. Ways of preventing and combating sexist and misogynist violence;
  4. The need to promote a softer, more emotional and more supportive masculinity.

This book shows that boys and men can be valuable allies for women and non-binary people in the fight against gender inequality. It is possible to raise sons who are both strong and emotional, capable of looking after others and themselves. Finally, the prevention of sexist and misogynist violence begins with the education and socialisation of boys and men.

While this book is often said to be aimed primarily at parents who want to bring up their sons with an awareness of gender equality, I would encourage anyone to read it in the context of an open-minded, thought-provoking read. Of course, it may also be of interest, in a more professional sense, to educators, social workers and all those interested in and working to promote gender equality.

While personal anecdotes and concrete examples are given, the author adopts a committed but non-dogmatic tone that encourages dialogue and reflection.

Tu seras un homme féministe, mon fils is a book that proposes an innovative vision of education for boys and men, promoting a masculinity that is more egalitarian, more respectful and more supportive.

Resource Details
9782721004499 et 2501134052
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Gianini Belotti et Blanc
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