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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Resource Details


The LINK Educational Program: LINKing Seniors to Digital Media Literacy and Democracy and Diversity

Community Contributor (Bronze Member).


LINK Program is an educational strategy aimed at the senior population, to promote digital literacy and conscious participation in democratic life, addressing how online disinformation can affect democracy and the electoral process, and strengthening knowledge and sharing of European Union values


European societies are ageing. In 1950, only 12% of the European population was over age 65. Today the share has already doubled, and projections show that in 2050 over 36% of Europe’s population will be 65-plus years old. Promoting older citizens’ civic engagement and participation has emerged as key topic to society. Especially in a time where major disinformation campaigns are interfering with democratic processes, with 68% of Europeans admitting coming across to fake news at least once a week in a recent study done by the European Commission in 2018. The spread of both disinformation and misinformation can have a range of consequences, such as threatening our democracies, interfering with elections, polarizing debates, and putting the health, security, and environment of EU citizens at risk. As a major challenge for Europe, it requires a coordinated response of all agents in society and a strong focus on education in media literacy and engagement of all generations towards a mindful citizenship.


Program Presentation: presents a brief introduction to the LINK Program. 

Key Concepts: provides useful information and theoretical knowledge to support facilitators in the LINK Program implementation. 

Observatory of Good Practices: presents a compilation of Good Practices identified related to the project topics. 

Transversal Guidelines for Facilitators: gives transversal guidelines about how to implement the LINK program with seniors, namely using non-formal education and experiential learning methodologies. 

Program of Activities: Compilation of the LINK Program activities. 

Program Impact Measurement: Global Impact Measurement Report of the LINK Program and tools that facilitators can adapt and use to measure the impact of the LINK program implementation with their target group.

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