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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Lingua+ Project Open Educational Resources

Profile picture for user Teresa Dello Monaco.
Teresa Dello Monaco

The Erasmus Lingua+ project “Innovative Language Learning within the framework of practices for socio-cultural inclusion and empathy enhancement in adult education” goes straight into the heart of the urgent matter of migrant integration in Europe. 

Successful integration is generally seen as the key to maximizing the opportunities of legal migration and making the most of the contributions that immigration can make to EU development. A basic knowledge of the host society language is crucial to successfully integrate migrants across Europe.

The project answers a specific need: to give migrants the chance to learn the host country language through state-of-the-art methodologies and practices embedded into socio-cultural interplay, where their own language and culture are also appreciated. Language learning means not only acquiring a new vocabulary and syntax, but also adapting to a new cultural environment and acquisition of the means to express own identity and life stories. The different experiences of learners should be the starting point toward learning output and outcomes, and here comes empathy: people dialogue better when they are authentic (Rogers 1973) and recognize the other as he/she is, suspending judgement.

Learning the host language is a bridge to a new life and migrants can do it with more confidence if they feel their own, plural, identity is recognized. With Lingua+ open educational resources, teachers, trainers, and volunteers have the chance to enrich their language teaching with contents and methods to meet today challenges and opportunities for change. Lingua+ uses knowledge and pedagogic wisdom acquired through multidisciplinary experimentation.


These are the open educational resources, freely available on the project platform:


1. Repository of innovations in teaching host country language to migrants and refugees

A collection of entries aiming to bring ideas and practices in teaching host countries’ language to migrants and refugees and to stimulate new thinking and experimentation.


2.  Practices on social inclusion

The Study contributes insights on the relevance of embedding the teaching of the host country language into approaches and practices that stimulate intercultural dynamics, socio-cultural approaches and empathy.


3. Lingua+ Handbook for language teachers, trainers, volunteers      

Theoretical clues and analysis of adult language learning for migrants and refugees (challenges and needs). It defines the Lingua+ methodological approaches and provides for an in-depth introduction to the practices descriptions and assessment tools.


4. Lingua+ Learning Paths Multimedia presentation                

A vibrant multimedia tool with the Lingua+ practices grouped into Learning Paths.


5. Lingua+ Teacher Training Course Guide and MOOC  

The Guide provides the basis of the programme that will enable teachers with know-how on Lingua+ methods and practices through F2F training. This is completed by a MOOC for online training.


6. Web platform

The Platform includes the project Open Educational Resources


7. Lingua+ Mobile App                                                           

Offers the users the opportunity to identify, use and memorize the practices and has all the project resources available on  mobile phone.




Resource Details
Resource author
Lingua+ project partnership
Type of resource
Open Educational Resources
United Kingdom
Publication Date
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