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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Profile picture for user soha.jammal.
Soha El Jammal
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

FLOURISH CENTERS project is a project that aims to empower older adults, particularly disadvantaged ones, who face social exclusion due to many factors, one of which is their limited participation in digital space. Through carefully planned intergenerational activities, adults from marginalized groups interacted with young people, building relationships between generations while developing their digital capacity through activities about cultural heritage.   

The first result of FLOURISH project is an online learning platform with an interactive digital infrastructure that have a double function:
a) Train adult educators on intergenerational learning 
b) Support senior adults and young adults in the creation of their cultural heritage products by providing them with the relevant tools.

Each partner was responsible in developing learning units with interactive content like exercises, mini tests, presentations. The adult educators, the senior and young people will have the opportunity to develop their knowledge and competences linked to intergenerational learning and the use of digital tools to promote the cultural heritage.

The different learning units are about:
a)    Intergenerational communication skills & Intergenerational interpersonal skills
b)    The Intergenerational Approach in Teaching and Learning
c)    Culture as a bridge to communication
d)    Digital tools for intergenerational socialization and communication
e)    Practical guide to completing intergenerational activity during the workshop
f)    Practical Guide on how to create a video for cultural communication

The innovative element of this platform is its holistic approach to education that promotes not only the development of elderly adults’ digital knowledge and skills but supports a collaborative synergistic learning experience within intergenerational learning. Elderly adults can become familiar with the tools and formats of online education through a “learning by doing” framework and will be aided by their youth partners in a cooperative relationship of knowledge exchange.

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Resource Details
E-learning material for a better intergenerational communication.
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Pistes Solidaires and Flourish Centers partners
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