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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Facilitation Matters: Instructor Perception of Helpfulness of Facilitation Strategies in Online Courses

Community Hero (Gold Member).

Online course facilitation is critical to the success of online courses. Instructors use various facilitation strategies in online courses to engage students. One hundred instructors were surveyed on their perception of helpfulness of twelve different facilitation strategies used in online courses to enhance instructor presence, instructor connection, engagement, and learning. Instructors’ timely response to questions and instructors’ timely feedback on assignments/projects were rated the highest in three of four constructs (instructor presence, engagement, and learning). For instructor connection, ability to contact the instructor in multiple ways was rated the highest. Interactive visual syllabi of the course were rated the lowest in all four constructs. In the openended comments, group projects and synchronous sessions were rated helpful. Descriptive statistics for each of the construct by gender, delivery method, and course level taught are presented. Significant differences were found between gender but analysis of variance failed to detect differences between primary delivery method or course level taught.

Resource Details
Resource author
Florence Martin, Chuang Wang, and Ayesha Sadaf
Type of resource
United States
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