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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Excellent Mentoring for Artists: building an international mentoring network for the cultural and creative industry!

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Indiana Debacq

EMA project objectives

1. Consolidate the excellence of mentors, by developing REL suited to the realities of globalised creative & cultural industries and deploying new innovative good practices in the respective territories.

2. Extend the participation of beneficiaries to the opportunities provided by Erasmus+, strengthening their feeling of belonging to the European identity.

3. Formalise an international network to support the export of creative and cultural initiatives.

Results from the project preparatory discussions

Following preparatory discussions, work during the Biarritz Symposium in January 2023 and based on the intentions expressed by stakeholders, all the players agreed to on the operational implementation of a precise objective:

Provide young creative entrepreneurs from alternatives and lesser-used cultures access to a cross-sectoral and transnational network of mentoring excellence.

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Open Educational Resources
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