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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Partner Search

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Find the latest information about how the EU promotes adult learning policy

Applied Filters


Serged is an NGO in Antalya,Turkey .SERGED are intersted in Adult education studies .

we have some courses in NGO for Adults (women,Girls,Boys,Fewer people,Special Need People)

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Profile picture for user nkarathu.
|Posted 3 years ago

VulcanicaMente is seeking partners for a KA2 - Cooperation Partnership in the field of digital citizenship.

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Vulcanica Mente
|Posted 3 years ago

We are a state adult language school and we are working on a KA104 project focused on the role that emotional intelligence plays in implementing teaching and learning strategies in the field of for

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Profile picture for user Estela74.
Estela Navarro Ortiz
|Posted 3 years ago

We are applying for a KA220 project in the field of 3D Modeling, Game Programming and Virtual Reality. We expect organizations interested in this project to contact us.

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|Posted 3 years ago