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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Dit jaar start ons nieuwe programma genaamd "De Groene Stap" een empowermentprogramma voor zowel de coördinatoren als de deelneemsters; daarvoor zijn wij op zoek naar buurtorganisaties in Utrecht (provincie & stad) die werken met vrouwengroepen om dit project te realiseren.
Started by
Profile picture for user n002wfn6.
Anne Huijboom
|Posted 2 days ago
Erasmus+ Cooperation partnership (Key Action 2)
Looking for Partners in cooperation projects between organizations and institutions (KA2)
Started by
Noelia Riobo
|Posted 2 weeks ago
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)

      Adana Maturation Institute is an institution providing adult education affiliated with the Lifelong Learning Directorate.

Started by
aysel uzeler
|Posted 1 month ago