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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Partnership Details

We are looking for project partners - KA2

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Profile picture for user nmincjak.
| Posted on Fri, 02/14/2020 - 12:39

We are a Folk High School located in the nort-western part of Poland. We have been operating in the Adult Education sector since 1946 and have used Grundtvigian methodology as a princinple since then which is based on a holistic approach and values lifelong learning. Our institution offers variety of courses and workshops for adults who want to learn some practical skills incl. handicraft, ecology and social skills. Currently, we are looking for partners who would like to participate in the project we wish to apply for this year. 

The project will aim at developing educational curricula for adults which focus on different aspects including improving basic skills.

The target group (paeticipants also) will be educators working within the adult education sector. During this project they will learn how to create interesting course programmes that aim at improving basic skills and can be used within institutions teaching adults. Also, an aspect of blended learning will be devloped and taken into consideration. The project will allow each organisation to benefit directly from it. 

Partners we are looking for should:

- be open - minded and willing to cooperate in order to achieve common goal

- be willing to visit partner organisations and share experiences with them

- be ready to undertake tasks that will be allocated and discussed during the mobility meetings (all tasks within the project will be equally divided between partners). 

- be ready to make new friendships :)

If you feel your institution falls into that category then why don't you contact us and we can provide you with some more information. 

We hope to hear form you shortly. 

In the meantime, visit our website and see what we do. (only in Polish for now)

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