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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Partnership Details

Voluntourism- Use tourism to educate

Started by
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).
| Posted on Mon, 01/22/2024 - 13:08

Climate change remains as critical as ever, and the deficiency in empirical education is equally pressing. The battle against climate change and the protection of the environment are top priorities for the European Union. The program aims to foster awareness across all sectors regarding the green transition and the challenges posed by environmental and climate change. The project is geared towards enhancing competencies in sustainability by developing green strategies and methodologies. Additionally, it aims to create future-oriented curricula that better cater to the needs of individuals.More specifically, using tourism and voluntarism, participants connect with places that have suffered from climate change and disasters, allowing them to experience the emergence of climate change and the necessity for education. Online training, hands-on sessions, travel sessions, and volunteer training are key elements to create environmental awareness among individuals. Participants will be introduced to locations affected by climate change and disasters, fostering a firsthand understanding of the impact. The program utilizes tourism and voluntarism as educational tools to highlight the urgency and importance of climate change education. By combining online training, hands-on experiences, travel sessions, and voluntarism, the program provides a multifaceted approach to creating environmental awareness among individuals. A key element of the project is that during the training, mentors will be from other countries, and participants will visit other affected areas to exchange common ideas in action.




Disclaimer: EPALE and NSS Greece does not endorse the organisations listed in the Partner Search, any views they express or any services they offer. All links are provided as information and we cannot take responsibility for the content of external websites.

If you decide to partner with any of these organisations, the contract will be directly between you and the relevant organisation, and EPALE and NSS Greece will have no contractual involvement.

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Partnership Details
Post type
Erasmus+ Small-scale partnership (Key Action 2)
Valid from
Valid until
I am looking for…
Adult education provider
National, Regional or local government organisation
Organisation specialised in learning or career guidance
Research organisation or a think-tank
Media organisation specialised in adult education
EPALE National Support Service
Looking for new consortium members
I am looking for organisations in the following countries
Environment and climate change
Community development

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