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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Partnership Details

Looking for Hungarian partners to join a Visegrad Fund project

Czech Republic.
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Dita Kubešová
| Posted on Mon, 04/03/2017 - 11:22

We are Intergenerational and Volunteer Center TOTEM, an NGO from Pilsen, Czech Republic. 

Our mission is to create positive and functional interpersonal relationships within the family and also within the wider context of civic society. Totem provides social-stimulation services for seniors, does management of volunteering, work with social disadvantaged families and kids.

Long-term goals and lines of activity are:

  • Promotion and dissemination of the idea of voluntary assistance and development of voluntary work,
  • Providing social-stimulation and educational activities for seniors in order to keep their mental and physical health and postpone the time when they are fully dependent on the help of others,
  • Prevention to address threat to child and youth development, help children and youth to deal with difficult situations in their lives and mitigate the impact of these situations on a child's life,
  • Intergenerational  projects to create healthy and natural environment for social coexistence of all generations.


We are looking for similar centers or universities within the V4 countries to set up a partnership and apply for the Visegrad Funding. We plan to organize one large round table in our organization for all involved partners. Activities would be based on sharing experience in working with seniors and intergenerational relationships. Based on the collected information and good practice of all partners, we will create a joint E-book as a project’s output.

For further information please contact us at:

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