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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

IIK Institut für Internationale Kommunikation Deutschland e.V.



The Institut für Internationale Kommunikation e.V., a non-profit organization located in Berlin and Düsseldorf, promotes international exchange. Our focus lies on developing participants‘ language skills for either academic or professional purposes. 

  • founded as a spin-off of Düsseldorf University in 1989
  • offering exchange and pre-study programs for universities and governments worldwide individual preparation for studies in Germany (language, applications, professional content)
  • vocational integration: focus on physicians, nursing staff, engineers, scholarships & free online services to learn German, such as
  • participation in multiple EU projects, member of numerous academic associations,e.g. Professional Association German as a Foreign Language (FaDaF e.V.)
  • seminars, publications, and further education programs using renowned expertise with a focus on German for your studies or in the workplace
Organisation Details
Area of activities / interests
Adult education provider
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Valid organisation
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