Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Foundation for the Development of the Education System)
Foundation for the Development of the Education System (FRSE) is a State Treasury foundation established on 11 October 1993. The Foundation’s main aim is to support activities leading to the development of education in Poland. FRSE realises its aim mainly through the coordination of educational programmes of the European Union. The programmes target a broad range of participants from children and young people to adults – from pre-schoolers to senior citizens.
The Foundation acted as National Agency of Socrates, Lifelong Learning Programme as well as Youth and Youth in Action programmes and currently acts as the National Agency of Erasmus+ Programme for all fields of education, training and youth. On 17 April 2014 the Foundation was designated to act as the EPALE National Support Service in Poland.
Work programme
The EPALE National Support Service (NSS), located in the Foundation for the Development of the Education System, is responsible for the implementation of the Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe (EPALE) in Poland.
Among the most important tasks of the NSS there are: informing potential users representing adult education sector in Poland about the platform, its resources and functionalities, encouraging them to register on the platform and use its offer (blogs, discussion groups, event calendar, resource centre, etc.), contribution to the development of the platform’s content (e.g. through writing/researching articles, courses, events as well as projects’ results).
The NSS directs its activities to different target groups related to the field of adult learning, including decision makers, andragogists, trainers, representatives of cultural institutions and labour market. It promotes information about the platform and its functionalities at national and regional events connected with adult education, including meetings with beneficiaries of projects implemented under Erasmus+ and EFS programmes. EPALE is also present in social media (it has profiles on Facebook and LinkedIn) and publishes articles in professional press. The Office also creates its own substantive materials and publishes them on the platform. It also translates key platform content into Polish and from Polish into English. The NSS also organizes events: thematic seminars, webinars, competitions and the annual Adult Education Forum. All these events are free of charge and intended for registered users of the platform. The NSS also produces its own materials and content that is published on the platform.
An Important role in promotion of the platform in Poland is played by so-called EPALE ambassadors. 16 ambassadors chosen by the NSS represent diverse groups involved in adult education in Poland. Their role is to: support the development of the platform, promotion of EPALE among stakeholders of adult education, show its functionalities and encourage people to register on EPALE, create and research the content. The NSS is planning to organize regular consultative and training sessions for ambassadors.
Moreover, the NSS will support the EPALE Central Support Service (CSS) in activities relating to the implementation of the platform in Europe.
The NSS also cooperate with the National Coordinator for the implementation of the European Agenda for Adult Learning in Poland.
The Team
Iwona Buks
Justyna Bednarz
Karolina Milczarek
Małgorzata Dybała
Tel.: +48 22 46 31 063
- Ministerstwo Edukacji i Nauki (Ministry of Education and Science); krajowy koordynator upowszechniania europejskiej agendy na rzecz uczenia się dorosłych – Stanisław Drzażdżewski…
- Ministerstwo Rodziny i Polityki Społecznej (Ministry of Family and Social Policy)
- Ministerstwo Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego (Ministry of Culture and National Heritige)
- Ministerstwo Sportu (Ministry of Sport)
- Fundacja Rozwoju Systemu Edukacji (Foundation for the Development of the Education System)
- Instytut Badań Edukacyjnych (Educational Research Institute)
- Ośrodek Rozwoju Edukacji (Centre for Education Development)
- Polska Agencja Rozwoju Przedsiębiorczości (Polish Agency for Enterprise Development)
- Akademickie Towarzystwo Andragogiczne
- Fundacja "Ogólnopolskie Porozumienie Uniwersytetów Trzeciego wieku"
- Ogólnopolska Federacja Stowarzyszeń Uniwersytetów Trzeciego Wieku (Polish Association of Universities of the Third Age)
- Towarzystwo Uniwersytetów Ludowych
- Ogólnopolskie Stowarzyszenie Dyrektorów Centrów Kształcenia Ustawicznego
- Polska Izba Firm Szkoleniowych
- Związek Zakładów Doskonalenia Zawodowego
- Polska Konfederacja Pracodawców Prywatnych Lewiatan
- Związek Rzemiosła Polskiego (Polish Craft Association)
- Polskie Stowarzyszenie na rzecz Osób z Niepełnosprawnością Intelektualną (Polish Association For Persons with Intellectual Disability)
- Mazowieckie Samorządowe Centrum Doskonalenia
- Polskie Stowarzyszenie Mentoringu
Maciej Bielawski– Expert in the field of social inclusion and social economy. Vice-President of the ESWIP Association, which has been supporting social and civic activity for 25 years. One of the initiators of creating the first Social Animators Forum in Poland. Animator of many initiatives, solutions, and local partnerships. Member of working groups creating public policies and planning the use of European funds in social inclusion.
Dr hab. Dorota Gierszewski – university lecturer, researcher, trainer, community organiser, andragogist. She works at Jagiellonian University as Head of the Social Pedagogy and Andragogy Unit. Interested in issues of informal adult education, citizenship, migration, and interculturalism. She carries out research and educational projects in the context of adult social activation. She cooperates with non-governmental organisations supporting lifelong learning, shaping pro-social and civic attitudes, and national and ethnic minorities.
Barbara Habrych – business and education trainer, HR and labour market expert. HR specialist with experience in designing and implementing HR processes. Author of development programmes for employees and managers built on business performance models. Co-author of an expert HRM handbook. Certified tutor and trainer of tutors. Career counsellor with a flair for talent discovery. Graduate of the University of Lower Silesia in pedagogy (specialisations: family pedagogy, social psychology in education) and postgraduate studies in human resources management at the Wrocław School of Banking.
Agnieszka Leśny – pedagogue and cultural studies scholar, scientifically affiliated with the Faculty of Pedagogy of the University of Warsaw. She works in project mode in various areas of education and business. She specialises in building commitment, effective communication, talent management, working on the team's strengths, and creating and implementing a vision of change in organisations. She uses experiential education methodologies with a particular focus on outdoor/adventure education (adventure pedagogy) and games and gamification. Co-designer of several games, including the first management game about the so-called Gallup talents, "Expedition of Power". President of the Science and Adventure Workshop Foundation. She is pursuing a doctoral project on 'School under sail' cruises.
Dr Bartek Lis – sociologist and social researcher, cultural animator and educator associated with the Zamek Cultural Centre in Poznań, author of scientific and popularising texts and articles. Since 2012 collaborator of the Association of Creative Initiatives "ę" as a researcher, evaluator and trainer. In 2012-2017 curator of the social programme at the Wrocław Contemporary Museum (organisation and co-organisation of over 300 cultural events - debates, workshops, interdisciplinary projects, exhibitions). Originator and implementer at the Castle Cultural Centre of educational projects/cycles "Open Castle. Culture for and with seniors a little less independent", "Art in the dark", "You can't see", and "(un)new audiences". Among other things, he is involved in civic education, audience development, the topics of "invisible disabilities", "senior dependence", the use of art in education and social practice, and making the offer of cultural institutions accessible to people with disabilities.
Sławomir Łais – CEO of OSI CompuTrain. He has been professionally involved in adult learning and the application of information technology for over twenty years. Designer of e-learning and blended learning technological solutions using various approaches to learning, including gamification, social learning, and personal learning environment. Chairman of the E-learning Commission at the Polish Chamber of Training Companies. Co-founder of the XY Learning Team. One of the creators of Learning Battle Cards - an approach that gamifies the process of designing development processes, co-author of a book describing this approach. Advisor and expert in many projects, speaker and populariser. Co-author of the LPES study "Learning Problems - e-solutions" on the reality of e-learning in large companies. Author of the book "Designing Effective Training" and co-author of the "White Book of Development Services". Author of the blog. Observer and enthusiast of civilisation changes.
Dr hab. Małgorzata Rosalska – pedagogue, careers counsellor, assistant professor in the Department of Lifelong Learning and Vocational Counselling at the Faculty of Educational Studies of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań. She specialises in issues related to educational and vocational counselling, labour market policy, adult education, and educational policy. Author of books and articles on counselling and andragogy. Author of counselling support programmes and counsellor education programmes. She conducts research and training projects for educational institutions, NGOs and labour market institutions.
Urszula Rudzka-Stankiewicz – helps people in organisations to change their behaviour. She combines training activities with real-world implementation of new skills into practice. A behavioural economics expert, gamification practitioner and facilitator. She designs training scenarios using the best methods and technologies (e.g. microlearning, social-learning). She has been recognised twice in the "Strong Woman in IT" report, I set up a shop for professional educators called Gadgets of the Trainer, I lecture for English-speaking students at the School of Management, and I run a training and consulting company called Be/have Design.
Karolina Suska – sociologist, trainer, tutor, and director of cultural institutions. Graduate of the Jagiellonian University, PAFF School of Leaders and Academy of Cultural Leaders. Scholarship holder of the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage. Author and animator of many socio-cultural projects. Rural activist fascinated by work for local communities, with particular emphasis on educational activities for women. Passionate about discovering the potential in people. Lover of dogs, travel and social photography.
Dr Wojciech Świtalski – is a pedagogue, andragog, and assistant professor in the Department of Andragogy and Social Gerontology at the University of Łódź. He specialises in theoretical and methodical foundations of the adult learning process, particularly with the use of games. Co-author of many national and international educational projects for adults. A proponent of searching for new solutions and implementing innovations in the didactic process. The efficient organiser of scientific meetings and educational, promotional or animation events. Author of publications in the field of andragogy.
dr Nina Woderska – PhD degree in social science, pedagogy. Investigator and tutor of citizen education. Animator of volunteering and pro-senior activities. By combining the work of a self-government member in the Centre of Senioral Initiatives in Poznan with the implementation of projects in non-governmental organisations, comprehensively promotes cross-generational integration and social activation of seniors. Author of scientific and popular science publications. She works as a university lecturer. She is eager to share her knowledge with students, youth, seniors, corporate workers and inmates.
Katarzyna Žák-Caplot– Library manager and coordinator of Erasmus+ projects at the Museum of Warsaw. Lecturer of Polish and Czech as foreign languages. Author of linguistic library and museum projects in which she combines language, library and museum education methods. She has been a winner of the European Language Label several times. Chair of the Library Section of Museums, Galleries and Cultural Institutions at the Main Board of the Polish Librarians Association. The year 2019 librarian of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and winner of the 3rd place in the National Librarian of the Year 2019 Competition. She speaks Polish, Czech, French, English and Serbian.
Karol Baranowski – Active in the LABiB Association. Co-organiser of Odjazdowy Bibliotekarz in Krakow. In 2016, he was in Ethiopia for over a month, where he trained Ethiopian teachers, principals, and parents in managing, organising, and running school libraries as part of an international development aid program. Librarian of the Year 2019 and recipient of a scholarship from the Minister of Culture and National Heritage. In his work, Charles relies on creativity, innovative approaches to the reader and modern technologies, which, combined with experience, result in unconventional educational solutions. He conducts classes for seniors, library lessons and workshops for children and young people, and organises city and library games.
Joanna Krasowska – she has been involved in adult education for years. She runs a training and consultancy company, BRAMY KULTURY. Trainer, cultural manager, public library management advisor, certified advisor in the FRSO Network of Local Advisors, coordinator and evaluator of educational and cultural projects, trainer, fundraiser – an FAOO School of Fundraising graduate and author of the book Creative Management. The Essentials of a Cultural Manager. Daily, she runs the KULTURA Foundation, is a member of the PROPAGO Association for Social Integration, chairperson of the MY Foundation Council and a partner representing the economic sector in the Local Action Group Kraina Łęgów Odrzańskich.
dr Natalia Marciniak-Madejska – Sociologist, educator, social activist. Director of the Development Projects Department and Accessibility Centre at SENSE consulting. Academic lecturer and consultant on universal design, plain language, project management and inclusive governance. Author of publications on the social inclusion of people with disabilities. Member of the National Consultative Council to the Government Plenipotentiary for Persons with Disabilities (2017-2021). She socially manages organisations advocating for people with disabilities and a village hall circle.
Lidia Mirowska– Trainer, academic lecturer, teacher, e-learning expert. E-teacher and e-methodist certified by the Association of Academic E-learning. Digital competence trainer. Remote learning methodologist at the Polish Virtual University. Uses technology in education, works in international projects, implements didactic innovations, and works by design.