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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


School of Midwifery, Zagreb Motivated teacher=Motivated student

Maja Feil Ostojić

The Midwifery Schoo is the only one in Croatia, but also in Europe in terms of midwifery secondary education, due to its specificity it is not able to organize professional practice for students within the Erasmus+ project in some other countries because there are no partner schools with which we could do such a thing. In this sense, our students are somewhat deprived of their peers from other vocational schools, but by educating teachers we can bring them Europe. The aim of the institution is also to ensure greater mobility of the teaching staff and enable them to acquire new knowledge and skills, follow new work methods in the field of learning and teaching, and use this knowledge in teaching. In this way, we are preparing for the reform of vocational education and a modular approach to teaching. The project "Motivated teacher = motivated student" helps the School of Midwives fulfill its long-term strategy to become a leading educational institution for formal and informal education.

The goals of the project are: 1. Improving teaching and raising the motivation for learning among students through new innovative teaching methods. Project will help us improve the quality of teaching, which will lead to an increase in student motivation. 2. Development of effective communication skills to improve interpersonal relationships of all participants in the educational process (students, teachers, parents). The emotional state of students and teachers is extremely important for the learning process, and through the improvement of communication skills and cooperation between teachers and students, the learning process will also gain in quality. Through cooperation, parents and students will recognize us as a desirable place for education. 3. Improving the language competence and motivation of teachers for lifelong learning. By this example of lifelong learning, teachers provide students with the opportunity to learn by model and show them the importance of lifelong learning.

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