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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

23 Sep

Machine Learning with Python

Jan Schmidt
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Machine Learning with Python

Discover the future of technology. Master the fundamentals of Machine Learning with Python, all set within the great landscape of Lake Garda

Over the span of this course you will familiarize yourself with the core Python libraries for machine learning, including Scikit-Learn and PyTorch. Next to these, you will learn good coding practice, e.g. using version control with Git & Github and working in virtual environments. 

The course is highly interactive and features a balanced mix of input lectures and hand-on exercises. You will further learn how to exploit Al-based tools to autonomously troubleshoot and advance your coding skills. The course culminates in starting your own machine learning project, either with your personal data or using a free and online available data set. 

Besides learning the technical skills, you will network with Python and Machine Learning enthusiasts from all over Europe and enjoy the beautiful landscapes of Lake Garda.

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Entrance fee
695 € + VAT
Registration capacity
Aims and objectives
● Understand the capabilities of Python for machine learning
● Establish good coding practice, e.g. with version control and using virtual environments
● Master the well established Python libraries PyTorch and Scikit-Learn
● Acquire a feeling of effectiveness in solving problems and advancing your skills on your own
● Apply the newly acquired skills and start your own machine learning project
Expected (learning) outcomes
After the course you will be able to ...
● understand of the real-world uses of Python in machine learning and artificial intelligence
● maintain version control with Git&Github and use virtual environments
● build your own first machine learning models
● exploit AI-based tools and traditional internet research to advance your programming skills
Recognition / certification of participation
Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance issued by EIAPD.
Attending fee
Machine Learning - EIAPD.
Themes addressed

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