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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Erasmus+ project: Remake the story

A new Erasmus+ project for NGO HIHTAST (Flanders/Belgium)

In this corona age, the Flemish (BE) NGO HIHTAST remains active in Europe. Thanks to years of ICT support for seniors, the computer science knowledge of our members is at a high level. As a result, we were noticed by the Slovenian CDI Univerzum who proposed to take the place of an Italian partner. This was an excellent opportunity for our non-profit organisation, and we joined immediately. The RMS (Remake the story) project has the aim to develop a guide for education in prisons.

Two partners of this project come from Slovenia, a third from Lithuania and the NGO HIHTAST completes the list.

Tuesday two February 2021 was the start of our participation in a new Erasmus + project. With the GO2 Online meeting tool, we joined for the online meeting.

The project 2020-1-SI01-KA204-075954 starts with very enthusiastic and motivated partners.

To be continued!



The project partners of the Remake the Story project during their online meeting.

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