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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Newscast June 2023 - Kicking off the European Year of Skills

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It has become a regular pin in our collective agendas: on 5 June EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform are joining forces again to deliver a new episode of the newscast!

What is it about?

This month's edition will get you ready for the European Year of Skills (EYS), which officially kicked off on Europe’s day, 9 May, on the anniversary of the Schuman Declaration. To celebrate this occasion, in June we will be diving deep into the topic of upskilling and reskilling the workforce, but with a focus on transversal competences

Following the very well-received interview format of the latest episode, we will offer you a guest of honour this month as well! We are happy to welcome Ms Ann Branch, Head of Unit for Skills and Jobs at the European Commission. Her role is a capital one when it comes to delivering the objectives of the European Year of Skills, as her unit directly oversees the activities and the policy outputs of the EYS. We will be picking her brain about the objectives of the European Year of Skills, its activities, its ambitions, and of course about the role of adult learning and education throughout the whole process. All of this, alongside the usual news!

When and where?

By now it is well-known in our community, but here it comes: as usual, the EPALE Newscast is coming to you, live, on the first working Monday of the month: this one will air on 5 June at 12.00pm CEST!

Can’t make it on time? No problem, the EPALE Newscast will remain available for you to watch (and re-watch!) on the platform, ready to keep you updated on the latest news in the world of adult learning and education.

Missed the last ones? You can watch and rewatch them in the brand-new EPALE Newscast section!

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Profile picture for user n0039n3k.
Sara Saleri
Mon, 06/05/2023 - 12:52

Here are some links to dive in today's newscast's topics!

- The European Year of Skills:

- The European Year of Skills Festival (9 May):…

- Making Skills Count Conference 8-9 June:

- European Policy Conference "Making all skills visible":

- EPALE online discussion "Emphasising basic skills in the European Year of Skills", 27 June:…

- Language learning: a key skill for the present and future:…

- Becoming an educational and career counsellor: an interview:…

- EPALE Community Conference:…

- EPALE Community Stories Initiative:

- Some events planned during the European Year of Skills:

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