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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Belgium Live Conference - Innovative Learning Spaces

Profile picture for user npchanta.

The EPALE Community Conference will return from 10 to 12 October 2023, for three days of exchange and cooperation, high-level keynote speeches, topical panel discussions and engaging workshops. The international EPALE community is a true learning community. It consists of people from all over Europe who take up professional roles in adult education (formal, non-formal or informal).  The conference shows how cooperation can beautifully connect the European level and the local level.

The overarching theme of the international online EPALE conference is Bloom! Skills for the Future. Together with colleagues from all over Europe, we will highlight how lifelong learning empowers people to master important skills needed not only to find their way in the rapidly changing labour market, but also to continue to grow in their role as engaged participants in a democratic and inclusive society. In the context of the European Year of Skills, we are making another contribution to the transformation path towards the future of living, learning and working we dream of.

Be our guest!

Besides the online part of the EPALE Community Conference, local EPALE communities organise live events on the theme.

In Belgium the 3 Belgian EPALE Support Services are joining forces, in cooperation with the national coordinator for the European Agenda for Adult Education in Flanders. The topic of this event is innovative learning spaces. 

Read the blog post 'Innovative learning spaces. What's in a name?' to find out more about this topic. 

visual Belgian EPALE event

We are very pleased to welcome you in a very attractive and innovative learning space in the heart of Brussels. Discover with us the creative hub La Vallée and get input throughout the whole day about skills for the future and more specifically about third places that turn out to be innovative learning spaces.

Would you like to join our event? This event is free for EPALE users.

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What is in it for you?

08.45: Registration and coffee

09.30: Opening of the conference - Welcome by the European Commission and the Belgian Support Services

10.00: Joining the Community Conference "Bloom!Skills for the Future"

11.30: Break

11.45: Third Places explained by EPALE Belgium - Input by the European Commission - Klara Engels-Perenyi

12.15: Lunch

13.00: Guided tour through the premises

13.30: Presentation of the benchmarking study about third places conducted by Pour La Solidarité - Denis Stokkink

14.00: Presentation of Belgian innovative learning spaces

  • L'arbre qui pousse: a 'third space' in Ottignies - Louvain-la-Neuve
  • De Krook: Library in Gent which is not only a place for books but also for people
  • La maison Folie: artists, inhabitants, associations and institutes work together on community issues in the region of Mons
  • Re-Antwerp: GATAM and designer Tim Van Steenbergen make a collection together with newcomers and refugees

14.45: European funding opportunities for innovative learning spaces - Barbara Stacher

15.00: Closing and drink


Reserve your space asap!

Would you like to join our event? This event is free for EPALE users.

Please use this link to subscribe.


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Privacy Statement 

The organizers of the event are committed to preserving your privacy. Your personal data provided by the registration  form and photographs and audio-video recordings made during the conference are processed only for the organisation and management of the event on 10th October 2023.The mandatory personal data are collected in order for the participants to register. The audio-video recordings will be made available on the EPALE website during and after the event. The photographs and/or videos bearing your image in the recording can be used in order to illustrate or promote the activities or projects, past, present or future, of the organizers in all types of publications and in any form of communication via the Internet.  



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