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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

18 Sep

EDUCongress 2024

Türkiye,  Diyarbakır
Profile picture for user Metin ÖZKAN.
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Dear EDUCongress participants,

We are honored to invite you to EDUCongress2024, which will be hosted by Dicle University in Diyarbakır between September 18-21, 2024. The main theme of our congress has been determined as "A Proper Education: Scientific, Inclusive, Sustainable"

EDUCongress has always emphasized the importance of face-to-face communication and collaborative learning. Therefore, barring any extraordinary circumstances, we plan to hold EDUCongress2024 in person during these dates.

At our congress, there will be distinguished speakers from both domestic and international spheres, along with EDU Forum and EDU Workshop sessions. We specifically aim to focus on sessions and workshops related to different disciplines of education sciences.

You can follow the dates for abstract submission and other important dates on our website and social media accounts. Please visit our website for registration, payment, and other details. We would be pleased if you could send your questions, comments, and suggestions to our email address at

In these times, which further emphasize the importance of education and scientific studies, we will be delighted to host you in Diyarbakır between September 18-21, 2024. As the EDUCongress family, we eagerly look forward to seeing you in person.

Best regards,

EDUCongress2024 Organizing Committee

Important dates

December 1, 2023 : Abstract submission start date

August 20, 2024  :Abstract submission deadline

August 25, 2024 final payment date for participation with presentation

September 1, 2024 announcement of the Congress Program

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Number of delegates
> 200
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Aims and objectives
EDUCongress is an international congress aimed at contributing to the future of education by sharing national and international experiences under the guidance of science. It adopts the concept of collaboration, with the essence of cherishing education and educators, teaching constructively, learning and teaching, and emphasizing commonalities, not differences.
Attending fee

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