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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


E-learning as a tool for equality between men and women

Lenka Prokopova
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

The final international meeting Erasmus+ GENDER EDUCATION ADVANCING COMPETENCES IN CONTEXT OF CHANGING EUROPE took place on October 27, 2019 in Prague. This project was implemented with the financial support of the European Union.

The HR Club from Moravia and Silesia along with partners from Bulgaria and Portugal shared their experience with the educational programme Gender Blended Learning. There was an E-learning platform created during the project and here you can find online courses for education related to the topic of gender. The basic level is intended for the general public and enables to acquire the basic information about gender equality. The advanced level is suitable for recruiters and managers and this level focuses on tools for equal treatment in the working environment. The third, the expert level, is designed for authorised officers and companies that want to be prepared well for gender audit. All of these modules may be studied in Czech, English, Portuguese and Bulgarian. Within the framework of the project, the Manual for tutors, was also created in order to assist the lectors interested in tutoring the online courses.

So far, 228 participants have been registered for the e-learning of Gender Blended Learning at The online part of the education is also supported by the in-person study, so the participants have the opportunity to personally discuss the issues of equal treatment. The face-to-face part took place in summer and autumn 2019 in 5 runs in the Czech Republic, in 2 runs in Bulgaria and once in Portugal. The Manual for tutors was created for the tutors of the full-time study, this manual contains specific exercise and tasks for the participants to acquire new knowledge and also to work further on their attitudes.

The crucial outputs of the project were presented at the conferences held in September in Ostrava and Brno (Czech Republic) and in October in Sofia (Bulgaria) and Covilha (Portugal). The sustainability of the project was also discussed at these conferences. All materials may be found on the website and also on the platform The project, with its outputs, promotes gender equality and contributes to reduction of discrimination against women.

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