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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Digitally Upskilling Health Sector Professionals and Trainers - The UNIHEAL+ Project

Profile picture for user narembeg.

The digitization of healthcare has long been a priority on the European Agenda, aiming to modernize and enhance healthcare systems across member states. By prioritizing reskilling and upskilling efforts and providing healthcare professionals with digital health services training, we can ensure that they are prepared to embrace the opportunities presented by digital transformation. Achieving this vision requires a coordinated effort from all stakeholders to build a resilient and responsive healthcare ecosystem for the future.

The UNIHEAL+ project (2021-1-ES01-KA220-VET-000033271) has been working in the period 2021-2024 to digitally upskill healthcare professionals across Europe supported by trainers. Key objectives include updating vocational education and training (VET) curricula to meet evolving industry demands, emphasizing the importance of digital health services in light of recent health emergencies, and providing training to improve professionals' utilization of digital tools in patient care. Additionally, the project seeks to enhance employment prospects through recognition of skills and qualifications, while constructing comprehensive training materials and guides for educators and healthcare providers. 

The consortium, comprising seven partners from five European countries, focuses on empowering healthcare professionals through coordinated and integrated training initiatives.

UNIHEAL+ has been organized in 4 Results:

  1. UNIHEAL+ Framework Courses – a completed approach. Including a collated research report analysing responses from 196 stakeholders, a curriculum proposal, content development (se eLearning resources) and a piloting exercise engaging 14 trainers and 187 learners for the health sector from 5 partner countries.

  2. The Training Guide for UNIHEAL+ Educators

  3. eLearning Resources & Digital Tools including access to a platform and app comprising 6 modules with case studies and exercises 

  4. UNIHEAL+ Skills Assessment, Validation and Recognition Content & Tools.

These resources aim to provide a strategic and meaningful approach for digitally upskilling health sector professionals and trainers involving a well-structured progression using a Moodle platform and mobile app available in EN, ES, GR, LT and RO.

>> Follow the project developments on the website!


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