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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

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Why is Economics Taught so Badly at School?

Profile picture for user n00dxj43.
José Casares
Community Collaborator (Silver Member).

In the ECONOMY FOR LIFE project, we surveyed young Europeans about their level of education in economics, and the results are surprising: the majority admit to having received a very poor education at school and university and wish to improve their level as they feel lost in these subjects.

What do you think if I tell you that financial education in schools and universities is deplorable, and that acquiring basic economic knowledge would be very useful?

This is what the majority of 53 Spanish youths between 18 and 30 years old think about their financial education, surveyed by Neotalentway S.L. It's an interesting yet unsurprising conclusion that gives meaning to the project "ECONOMY FOR LIFE."

Below are the results of two questions posed to the youths:


  • What is your opinion about the financial education you have received (in school, vocational school, university...)? (1 being "terrible" and 5 being "excellent")

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  • Do you believe acquiring economic knowledge could be useful to you? (1 being "No, it's useless" and 5 being "Yes, very useful")

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