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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe

Event Details

7 Oct

Creating a Personal Leadership Development Plan

Italy,  Rome
Profile picture for user n00f949h.
Alejandro Espinosa
Community Hero (Gold Member).

The workshop spans over seven days, offering a comprehensive journey in personal leadership development. Participants begin by understanding the importance of personal leadership, defining its qualities, and assessing their strengths and areas for improvement. They proceed to set goals aligned with their values and craft a vision for their leadership journey. Skill enhancement follows, focusing on identifying and developing key leadership competencies through workshops and group activities. 

Emotional intelligence is emphasized, along with techniques for managing emotions and building empathy. Experiential learning activities provide opportunities to analyze real-life leadership challenges and apply learned skills. Integration and sustainability strategies are explored, including habit-building and creating support systems for continuous growth. 

Event Details
As planned
Organiser type
Other event
Hybrid event
Organiser name
Training Academy, S.R.L.
Entrance fee
560 euros
Registration capacity
Target group
Academics, students, researchers in andragogy
Adult learning networks & organisations
Aims and objectives

The objectives of the workshop are to facilitate participants' self-assessment and awareness, helping them identify their strengths, weaknesses, values, and leadership styles while fostering an understanding of areas for improvement. Additionally, the workshop aims to guide participants in setting specific, achievable leadership goals aligned with their values and aspirations, while also aiding them in crafting a clear vision for their leadership journey. Participants will enhance their leadership skills through practical strategies and exercises, focusing on emotional intelligence, empathy, and influence. Experiential learning activities will provide opportunities to apply learned theories and skills to real-world scenarios, fostering problem-solving abilities. Integration strategies will emphasize the importance of incorporating learned skills into daily routines for sustained development, while action planning will assist participants in creating comprehensive personal leadership development plans with short-term and long-term milestones. The workshop will conclude with reflection on personal growth, celebrating achievements, distributing certificates, and inspiring continued leadership development beyond the workshop setting.
Expected (learning) outcomes
The expected results of the workshop include heightened self-awareness, with participants gaining a deeper understanding of their strengths, weaknesses, values, and leadership style. Attendees will define specific and meaningful leadership goals aligned with their aspirations and values, while also acquiring and honing essential leadership skills. Through experiential activities, participants will apply their leadership skills, experiencing personal growth and adapting to challenges. They will create a comprehensive personal leadership development plan and integrate newfound skills into daily routines for sustained improvement. Embracing self-motivation and networking with peers will further enhance attendees' confidence and communication skills, fostering adaptability and effective leadership in diverse situations. Actively seeking feedback will enable participants to measure progress and ultimately empower them to lead with impact in both personal and professional spheres.
Recognition / certification of participation
Certificate provided by Training Academy, the educational training center situated in Rome and accredited by the Lazio Region.
Attending fee
Personal Leadership development plan brochure.

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