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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Newscast #5.2024: World Refugee Day - Promoting inclusion and empowerment

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World Refugee Day celebrates the strength and courage of people who have been forced to flee their home country to escape conflict or persecution. It is an occasion to build empathy and understanding for their plight and to recognise their resilience in rebuilding their lives. 

What to expect?

EPALE celebrates World Refugee Day with two guests from our community: Mazen Ba-baeer and Sylvia de Groot Heupner from Het Begint met Taal Foundation. Sylvia and Mazen also participated in the EPALE Community Stories initiative in the previous editions.

When and where?

10 June at noon CEST the EPALE Newscast will be live with the latest news and to celebrate the European adult learning community.

Make sure you do not miss the next episode with Tamsin Rose and Mazen Ba-baeer and Sylvia de Groot Heupner! As usual, if you can't make it to the live broadcast, you can always watch the episode in your own time... and watch it over and over again. 
Where? In the dedicated Newscasts section on the EPALE Learn menu item!

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Gianluca Volpe
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 12:16

...and now some links to not-to-be-missed content and events on EPALE!

Mazen Ba-baeer and Sylvia de Groot Heupner from Het Begint met Taal Foundation in Netherlands:


Gianluca (EPALE Moderator)

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Gianluca Volpe
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 12:11
Gianluca Volpe
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 12:01

Welcome to this new episode of the EPALE Newscast!

Gianluca (EPALE Moderator)

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Abdullah Anil TOROS
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Mon, 06/10/2024 - 09:34

This upcoming EPALE Newscast sounds like a fantastic opportunity to celebrate World Refugee Day and highlight the incredible resilience and strength of refugees. I’m looking forward to hearing from Mazen Ba-baeer and Sylvia de Groot Heupner and learning more about their inspiring work with Het Begint met Taal Foundation. Thanks, EPALE, for creating such a meaningful platform for sharing these important stories!

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