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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Celebrating Museums & Galleries as a learning environment for adult education

This week (21-25 August) the UK National Support Service, supported by colleagues from across Europe, have brought together a collection of inspiring case studies, best practices and projects highlighting the impact and benefits that Museums and Galleries can have on adult learning. Discover and find out more...

Museums and Galleries a learning environment for adult education.

Museums and galleries allow adults to reconnect to learning, enrich their cultural experience as well as play a part in family and intergenerational learning.

This week (21-25 August) the UK National Support Service, supported by colleagues from across Europe, have brought together a collection of inspiring case studies, best practices and projects highlighting the impact and benefits that Museums and Galleries can have on adult learning.

We encourage you to discover the learning environment that museums and galleries provide, how they enrich our community, support health and well-being and support skills and employability.

Click on the interactive table below to find out more and like, comment and share from this unique collection of projects:


NMNI: Engaging older people actively in museums.

National Museums Northern Ireland: Engaging older people actively in museums 


Onvergetelijke educatie.

Unforgettable  (En + Du) 


Egypt Centre Museum of Egyptian Antiquities, Swansea University.

Egypt Centre Museum, Swansea University: Informal Learning in a Museum Setting


Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council: Art & Artefact Project.

Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council: Healthy Communities Art & Artefact Project

Museums Sheffield: Discover.

Museums Sheffield: Discover


Victoria and Albert Museum: Behind the Scenes.

V&A: Behind the Scenes: Workplace Learning for Conservation & Collections Care Technicians

Historic Royal Palaces: Uncover: Inspiring learning through history.

Historic Royal Palaces: Uncover Inspiring learning through history

Seen-Unseen: We See With Our Brain, Not With Our Eyes.

Seen-Unseen: We See With Our Brain, Not With Our Eyes

Wakefield Museum and Castleford Museum: Art in Mind.


Wakefield Museum and Castleford Museum: Art in Mind

Wakefield Museum: ‘Find Your Passion’ Adult Craft Workshops

Jong en oud leren samen in Zeeuws Museum .

Young and old learning together  (En + Du) 

“Met goede educatie maak je als museum het verschil voor mensen”.

“'High-quality educational programmes in museums can make a big difference for many people' (En + Du)


NSS Collaboration UK, Netherlands, Ireland.

'Museums & Galleries as a learning environment for adult education' supported by the EPALE National Support Services in the UK, Netherlands and Ireland.

Remember to share your thoughts in the comment box below or tweet and share on TwitterFacebook and LinkedIN.


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Inspired by this themepage Dr. Inga Specht, research associate at the German Institute for Adult Education is giving EPALE a nice perspective on adult learning in museums in Germany. The English version is available here. Thank you Dr. Specht!

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