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Time to make peace with nature!

The core values of Modus Association—high quality and sustainability—resonate deeply with educators. TtMPwN project seeks to inspire teachers!

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Empowering Educators: Reflections on the Erasmus+ Project Meeting in Tampere

In February 2024, the Design Association Modus arranged a training session as part of the Erasmus+ project "Time to Make Peace With Nature." This gathering sought to transcend traditional boundaries, offering teachers a wintery opportunity to enhance their capabilities in fostering environmental consciousness and sustainable habits among students.

This initiative stems from the belief that educators hold the key to nurturing a generation that is not only aware of environmental challenges but actively contributes to solutions. The benefits of collaborating on a global scale were evident, with the Artisans' association serving as a catalyst for a broader social and environmental impact.

The meeting in Tampere was a concrete call to action for teachers. Modus Artisans exemplified various strategies to impart knowledge effectively, like utilizing eco-design principles. Partners had a recycled denim workshop at Sokos department store's sustainability-themed shop complex. Participants were introduced to initiatives such as Tredu Waste Food education, and they enjoyed a Waste Food lunch.

Sustainable Practices were showcased by Eco-entrepreneur  Elina Korri, who exhibited the digitalized mending service path for textiles and footwear, and the eco-design practices of her company.

The core values of Modus Association—high quality and sustainability—resonate deeply with educators. The project seeks to inspire teachers to become proactive advocates of environmental conservation. The project encourages educators to address climate change comprehensively on three levels: 

Global/National Influencing: Supporting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and engaging in activism. Regional Policies: Understanding and influencing local policies, emphasizing the pivotal role of cities in sustainable development. Daily Practices: Infusing eco-friendly habits into the fabric of everyday classroom life, aligning with the call to action advocated by Greta Thunberg: "Cut down on meat consumption or go vegan, Join an activist movement, Fly less or not at all and - - Vote!"

The Tampere city is commitment to become carbon-neutral by 2030, a vision that serves as an inspiring model. The city's roadmap outlines ambitious measures—from renewing power plants to transforming transportation. As educators, we wish to draw inspiration from local city initiatives and translate them into classroom teachings!

The power of seemingly small daily initiatives, such as enhancing recycling, promoting the sharing economy, sustainable procurement, and encouraging plant-based food consumption, make a difference. When adopted within educational settings, they contribute significantly to the collective goal of sustainability.

NGOs like Artisan associations, exemplified by Modus, can be valuable allies in the educational journey. Their local knowledge, sustainable practices, and entrepreneurial spirit can enrich classroom discussions. Collaborations with different training institutions enable the creation of educational materials that promote environmental awareness among students.

As educators, let's leverage the insights gained from the meeting in Tampere to inspire and empower our students of all ages! The "Time to Make Peace With Nature" project provides us with the tools to not only teach about environmental conservation but to instill a sense of responsibility and action in the next generation. 

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