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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


Promoting basic skills validation in low-skilled adults

In November 2020 the Erasmus+ GLAS project has been lauched with aim of assessing and validation the basic skills of low-skilled.

In society, individuals change jobs often due to innovation and new technologies. Citizens need to be prepared to cope with transitions and adapt to change. Learning may be necessary at any stage of life, and non-formal and informal learning can become as important as formal education. Both types of education will enable an adequate level of skills to be maintained. 

The Euroeapn Council intends that Member States support individuals in the process of validating and recognizing their formal, non-formal and informal learning outcomes in order to safeguard their employment and maintain their employability.

Eu countries already have some form fo adults guidance service or specific strategies that focus on educational guidance and counselling. However, these services are not adequate to reach adults in need of education. Existing services focus on short-term employment and less on identifying educational pathways leading to more sustainable employment and social inclusion. Due to the lack of non-formal and informal skills, it is difficult for adults education and guidance professionals to orient towards higher education and training programs.

The main objetive of the GLAS project is to develop a methoodology for the assessment and validation of basic ICT, numeracy and language skills for adult education and guidance practitioners. the project is aimed at low-skilled adults. These people will participate in a process of selection, assessment and validation of their basic skills. Once their individual skills have been identified, their results will be linked to the skills levels achieved in coherence with the EQF and recommendations fot further education and training programs will be made.

Based on this objective, the following outcomes have been established:

  1. a commom EU online repository through which an overview of advisory tools and aids for skills identification, assessment and validation is established. This repository is accesible to all education and guidance professionals.
  2. innovative and participatory methodology for the assessment and validation id ICT, numeracy and language skills for professionals in adult education and guidance services
  3. a five-days training for adult education and guidance professional on innovatice approaches to basic skills assessment and validation
  4. application of the methodology of identification, assessment and validation of skills with adults. Once the project is completed, it will be a permanent offer in adult education and guidace institutions.

In future publications we will make available the different advances ans resources developed in the project for consultation and use.

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