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Inclusion4All promotes training for Portuguese teachers

In order to create more awareness for a more inclusive school environment, Associação Salvador gathered teachers from all over Portugal.

Associacao SALVADOR
Community Contributor (Bronze Member).

With Inclusion4All project focused on creating more awareness for the theme of inclusion and diversity in a school environment, Associação Salvador promoted a free training for Portuguese teachers.

The training session, that was of free access to any teacher, was a tool designed to bring new information, and also help professionals of the Education area to deepen their knowledge of the subject. No matter their area, type of school or students who they were working with at the time.


Why the training, "Inclusion in Schools: Games, Activities and Pratical Tools" ?

Believing in the power of teachers and educators as agents of transformation, this training given by Associação Salvador (curated by Margarida Cardoso and Ester Rosa) aims to enable participants to create more inclusive and welcoming school environments, deconstructing prejudices and promoting understanding about disability among children and young people.

The training, inclusive itself with the presence of a Portuguese sign language interpreter to accompany the trainer, was a way to pass information to teachers and educators in forms of tools and pratical activities to make happen inside a classroom. The content of the training "Inclusion in Schools: Games, Activities and Pratical Tolls" is a way for education professionals to approach issues related to disability in an accessible and effective way in their classrooms.

NOTE: For the training see the video attached to the post. It's in Portuguese, with a Portuguese sign language interpreter.

Following up this training, Associação Salvador guaranteed to all participants the information shared on the session, providing material to apply in location. At the same time, a follow up work is bein done in order to help the schools apply the activities in the classroom.

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About Associação Salvador: nonprofit organization founded in 2003, which mission is to integrate and improve the quality of life of people with physical disabilities, boosting their talents and creating equal opportunities in society.

About Irish Wheelchair Association: one of Ireland’s leading representative organisations and service providers for people with physical disabilities. Founded on the belief that everyone should be able to live a life of choice and equality. It provides a nationwide assisted living service, access to a community centre in every county, a fleet of accessible buses, a national parking permit and driving school service, wheelchair-accessible social houses and help young people with disabilities to build employability skills and confidence.Their flagship sports programme, IWA Sport, is the national governing body for wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby and powerlifting and runs sports clubs for children and adults. Many of Ireland’s finest para-athletes started their careers with IWA Sport.


Associacao SALVADOR
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