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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


How to engage adult learners

Motivating adult learners can be a complex process. Adults experience a wide range of life circumstances and bring their own set of individual circumstances, value systems and priorities to the classroom. So, how can we get adult learners to take part in adult learning?
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Engage adult learners.

Motivating adult learners can be a complex process. Adults experience a wide range of life circumstances and bring their own set of individual circumstances, value systems and priorities to the classroom. Adults have life experience, their own set of beliefs, needs and wants, all of which influence their perceptions of learning and learning styles. Because of these factors, adults can be very complex and need a range of strategies to be engaged and remain engaged. So, how can we get adult learners to take part in adult learning?

There is a wide range of methods which can be used to engage adult learners. Some of these include:

Valuing their experience – Adults are different from children in that they have life experience and have been in a variety of situations and contexts. Acknowledge the experience of your adult learners. Ask them questions to find out their previous knowledge and relate examples of the learning to these experiences. We all like being listened to and this is the first step to feeling valued.

Making it relevant to their context – What does it mean for them? Unless adults can relate to lessons and apply them to their own circumstances, learning might mean nothing much and the learner might switch off. Ask them about their roles and the tasks they perform at work and give time in the learning for them to reflect on how they will apply their knowledge.

Make the learning active – Most adults learn by doing and they need a good range of methods to stay engaged. It is vital to engage learners in the learning process by using a variety of teaching techniques which include the active participation of the learner. These could include: question time, class problem solving, cooperative learning, creating visuals or role playing.

Challenge your learners at different levels – It is important to tailor the learning at different levels as every individual has its unique characteristics. Challenge at the correct level to ensure the learners remain engaged. Get to know your learners first, ascertain their previous knowledge and keep on checking on their progress. Teaching mixed ability classes is complicated but it is essential to cater for these differences for a successful learning experience.

With these methods we can increase adults’ participation in learning. This can lead to a better prepared work force and a culture of lifelong learning. If you have any of your own tips to share, let us know in the comments box.

Eva Alos Melchor is EPALE’s national support teams and helpdesk coordinator. Eva has worked as a teacher for over seven years and she has taught both young people and adults. As an adult learning provider Eva’s subjects were Spanish and Introduction to Sociology, while at a primary school level she taught all basic subjects.

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