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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe



Two focus groups were successfully completed in Athens and Elefsina city with a total of 25 participants within the framework of the Erasmus + European Program entitled "Development  of the Key Competences of Adults by Innovative Program of Consumer Education " to collect data from the experience of unemployed adults up to 29 years of age in Consumer Education.

The data that will be extracted from this qualitative survey will be evaluated in order to design a training program for unemployed adults aged up to 29 who are a vulnerable group as they have not completed secondary education and are characterized by a lack of qualifications and skills.

Research questions where developed, including their consumer experiences, the necessity of consumer education, as well as the knowledge-skills and experiences that is need.

Finally, through these meetings, we managed to achieve the exchange of views and experiences as well as the transfer of information.

The educational program will be based on the existing knowledge and experience of the consumers and at the same time will motivate them to acquire the knowledge and skills necessary for their everyday life. In order to encourage adults to learn and develop their key competencies, the training program will create an attractive content based on the everyday life of the consumer and the use of interactive forms of learning of adult education.

More Information on the project:…



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