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EPALE - Electronic Platform for Adult Learning in Europe


EPALE Community Conference 2022 - Imagine

On 18, 19 and 20 October 2022, EPALE is hosting its annual online Community Conference.

Profile picture for user EPALE Moderator.
EPALE Editor


On 18, 19 and 20 October 2022, EPALE is hosting its annual online Community Conference.

What and How

Imagining means rethinking the present, unlocking new possibilities, and creating new futures. With this in mind, the EPALE 2022 Community Conference wants to highlight the power of imagination and adult learning in shaping an enriching, sustainable, inclusive Europe.

The conference revolves around four themes:

All of the plenary sessions (including inspiring keynote speeches, panels and EPALE talks) are freely accessible online via EPALE, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

available on

Each thematic plenary session will be followed by a not to be missed interactive workshop, with limited seats available. To participate, you need to first of all register. 

The online EPALE Community Conference also includes a series of national side events

conference programme

Here is the full programme for the 2022 EPALE Community Conference!

Click on the titles to learn more about each session.

If you need further information, do not hesitate to contact us at


Learning communities

Community-based practices
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Young adults

Raising voices
Young adults' participation
Speak your voice! Free your future!
Watch on EPALE
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Skills revolution

Aligning skills and motivation for human-centred learning
Watch on EPALE
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Culture and creativity

Wrap up
Creative ways
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Download the Agenda

All the speakers

National side events

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Profile picture for user Németh Balázs Bánk.
Balázs Németh
Community Hero (Gold Member).
Τετ, 10/19/2022 - 22:54

I think this particular EPALE event can clearly demonstrate the cohesive focus of experts and practitioners on adult learning and education so as to promote participation and performance in adult learning and also to develop skills and competences of adult educators by opening discourse for effective knowledge transfer! I do thank organisers to enable discussion around those three topics related to community-based adult learning at this quality event!

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Dear György,

we are happy to announce breakout news!

A new event has been added by the Hungarian national team!

Here is the link to the National Side Event "Látogatók a 21. század múzeumában – digitális lehetőségek és kihívások online workshop"

We hope to have you with us at the Conference.

All the best,
Claudia (EPALE Moderator)

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Πέμ, 09/15/2022 - 18:34

Ágætu EPALE félagar,

Það gleður okkur að kynna þriggja daga netráðstefnu EPALE þar sem áhersla verður á þau áhrif sem ímyndunaraflið og fullorðinsfræðsla hafa til að efla sjálfbæra Evrópu án aðgreiningar.  Ráðstefnunni verður streymt á vefsíðu EPALE og öðrum samfélagsmiðlum EPALE (Facebook, LinkedIn og Twitter) og verður þar fjallað um fjögur þemu:


  • Námssamfélög – 18. október - 9.15-11.00
    • Bein útsending hér – skráning ekki nauðsynleg
  • Ungt fólk – 19. október - 10-11.15
    • Bein útsending hér – skráning ekki nauðsynleg
  • Færnibylting -  19. október - 15-16.15
    • Bein útsending hér – skráning ekki nauðsynleg
  • Menning og sköpun – 20. október - 10-12
    • Bein útsending hér – skráning ekki nauðsynleg



► Kynnið ykkur alla dagskrána og fyrirlesara ráðstefnunnar!

► Kynnið ykkur alla hliðarviðburði ráðstefnunnar á landsvísu!


Skráið ykkur á vinnustofur ráðstefnunnar!



Eftir hvern fyrirlestur verður boðið upp á gagnvirkar vinnustofur sem þið ættuð ekki að missa af. Takmarkaður fjöldi kemst að og eru þátttakendur beðnir um að skrá sig:

  • Samfélagslegir starfshættir við starfseflingu – 18. október - 11.30-12.30
  • Láttu í þér heyra. Vertu frjáls! – 19. október - 11.30-12.30
  • Samræming færni og hvatningar fyrir einstaklingsmiðað nám -  19. október - 16.30-17.30
  • Skapandi leiðir til að virkja fólk – 20. október - 12-13
  • Skráning hér

► Frekari upplýsingar um vinnustofurnar!


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Elsa Neophytou

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Elsa Neophytou

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Elsa Neophytou

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