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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě



EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Workshop: Diversity and safe space in adult learning: checking our privilege

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EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Workshop: Diversity and safe space in adult learning: checking our privilege

How can adult learning foster safe spaces which encourage adults of diverse backgrounds to express themselves without feeling judged, misrepresented or oppressed? In this interactive workshop, we’ll invite you to step into the shoes of a learner and explore various spaces from their perspective in order to discuss what elements can make or break a safe space. 

Angeliki Giannakopoulou

Angeliki Giannakopoulou holds a joint BEng and MEng degree from the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department of the University of Patras and a Certificate of Specialisation in Mental-Health and Counselling by the University of Ioannina. She is currently a European Project Manager and Proposal writer at DAFNI KEK and Cyclisis NGO.

Francisca Borges

Francisca Borges is Project Manager at the EPATV (Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde) since 2020; graduated in French and Portuguese teaching, obtained at the University of Minho, in Braga, Portugal, and has a Diploma of General University Studies in foreign languages, literatures and civilizations (DEUG – LLCE), obtained at the University of Limoges, in France; trainer in VET courses and Portuguese and French teacher since 2004; trainer in the Qualifica Center of the EPATV(Adult Education Center) since 2016. She has been working on Erasmus+ projects since 2018, within projects related to social inclusion, gender issues, and safe places for learning. 

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