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EPALE - Elektronická platforma pro vzdělávání dospělých v Evropě



SLOVAKIA Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation

#ErasmusDays2019, the EPALE teams wished to raise awareness about the European Union commitment in adult lifelong learning. They created a digital exhibition with 28 different projects, demonstrating the variety of practices across Europe.
Eugénie B

#ErasmusDays2019, the EPALE teams wished to raise awareness about the European Union commitment in adult lifelong learning. They created a digital exhibition with 28 different projects, demonstrating the variety of practices across Europe.


Pictures © HIT Project Partners

Human beings who are not free or not able to express emotions, are manipulable. Our modern rationalist culture places the negative feelings like grief, anger, pain and anxiety under a taboo. Positive feelings like curiousness and joy are desired. Tabooing and sanctioning of negative feelings lead to an emotional jam, which often forms basis for generalisation, prejudice, hatred or violent actionism.

HIT is a project for inclusion and transformation of social relevant shadow themes: the shadow sides within ourselves as well as the shadow (marginalised) people in society. Participants were provided with protected space, in which these negative feelings could be expressed and reintegrated again in a way which makes sense. This enabled participants to experience the topics of their target groups within themselves.

Project partners and participants were re ecting and integrating ve steps of Hero’s Journey training (P. Rebillot), their personal experiences with this process, cycle of basic feelings (processed by Helga and Manfred Weule), speci c sociocultural conditions, and their own sets of methods they use in work with vulnerable and other interesting people. The main tool used was creativity expressed through art, music, dance, theatre, writing, rituals etc.

The main project outcome – online PDF book Among Heroes and Demons – is available in seven language mutations and addressed especially to professionals and activists working with other people.


Heroes of Inclusion and Transformation


The main objective of HIT project is to extend and develop educators’ competences, and to promote social inclusion and empowerment.


Professionals (educators, trainers, counsellors, activists), disadvantaged and vulnerable people (homeless, disabled, seniors, prison inmates, LGBTI)



• SLOVAKIA: Divadlo bez domova / Theatre with no home

• AUSTRIA: Abenteuer Leben / Adventure Life

• SPAIN: Asociación cultural, social, de salud y bienestar ACUNAGUA / Cultural, social, health and well-being association ACUNAGUA

• ICELAND : ReykjavíkurAkademían / The Reykjavik Academy

• CZECH REPUBLIC: Spolek divadelních ochotníků Alois Jirásek / Theatre of Alois Jirásek Úpice.

National Support Services SLOVAKIA

State Vocational Education Institute


Read more about the exhibition process and find the table of contents with all the projects


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