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EPALE Community Conference 2021 - Digital activism and democracy

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EPALE Community Conference 2021 -Digital activism and democracy

As the digital transition is changing the way in which we live, work and learn, the risk is to feel overwhelmed and powerless. If we are instead to regain control of this process, citizens, democracy and participation must be at the centre of discussions and – of course – practices.

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In this panel, experts, policy makers, activists and practitioners from different contexts, will together share their perspectives on digital competence, critical thinking and awareness, and will provide their insights into the role of adult learning on this challenging but necessary path.

Ivana Stanojev

Ivana Stanojev has worked since 2017 as a Project and Communications Associate at Knowledge Innovation Centre, where she is involved in Erasmus projects within the education field (equal opportunities, social justice, and access to Higher Education). Before joining KIC, Ivana worked for 10 years as a project coordinator and a researcher for various Serbian and international NGOs and Government agencies, on projects dealing with democratisation, inclusive governance and citizens’ participation.


Nils Eyk-Zimmerman

Nils Eyk-Zimmerman is a political scientist at the University of Potsdam as well as a consultant, project manager and author in the fields of active citizenship, civil society, digital transformation, both non-formal and lifelong. He has coordinated international cooperation programmes in the field of active citizenship and capacity building activities for civil society for different organisations, in particular in Central and South-Eastern Europe.


Nenja Wolbers

Nenja Wolbers works as a project coordinator for digital inclusion at the Digital Opportunities Foundation. In addition to European projects to promote media literacy, she works on the digitisation of rural areas. As Vice Chair of the Board at ALL DIGITAL, empowering all citizens to use the internet to their advantage is important to her.

Salvatore Scalzo

Salvatore Scalzo has been working for about ten years at the European Commission. He is currently a policy and legal officer in the Unit Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy Development and Coordination of the Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology where he is working on the proposed EU legal framework on AI. Salvatore Scalzo graduated with a MSc Degree in European Studies from La Sapienza University in Rome and with a research-oriented Master Programme Analysing Europe from Maastricht University in The Netherlands.

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