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EPALE - Elektronisk plattform för vuxnas lärande i Europa


Program för Læring i nord 2023: Validering av alla tidigare kunskaper?

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Katrine Utgård

At the digital conference Læring i nord (Learning in the North), we annually highlight selected and relevant topics that align with the goals of the European Skills Agenda and the Nordic Council of Ministers' Vision 2030. Læring i Nord serves as a platform for sharing knowledge and experiences within the field of guidance, training, and adult education, both within and outside the formal education system, across Nordic and other European countries.  

Læring i nord 2023: Verdsetting av all kompetanse? 26. oktober kl. 12-15. Direktoratet for høyere utdanning og kompetanse, Nordisk nettverk for voksnes læring, EPALE Norge, European Year of Skills

Find more information about the conference here: Læring i Nord 2023: Validation of all prior learning?   

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Program in CEST (Central European Summer Time). Changes to the program may occur.

12.00-12.10       Welcome to “Læring i Nord 2023”

12.10-12.40       Validation of prior learning in Europe

  • Use of validation of prior learning in Europe. More to come.
  • Validation of prior learning in the Nordic countries by Fjóla María Lárusdóttir, National Coordinator for the Nordic Network for Adult Learning (NVL), Iceland, and member of NVL's Validation Network, employed at The Education and Training Service Centre (ETSC) in Iceland.
  • Validation of prior learning - systems, opportunities and challenges in Norway by Elisabeth Bøe, Senior Advisor at the Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) in Norway.

12.40-12.50       Break   

12.50-13:05       Quality compass for validation of prior learning - a set of tools developed by NVL, by Agnetha Kronqvist, National Coordinator for NVL in Sweden, employed at the Swedish National Agency for Education (Skolverket).

13.05-13.20       Validation of prior learning for work in the industry (Industry Validation) by Jonas Sandlin, Founder and Head of Finnish Competence Validation AB in Finland.

13.20-13.35       Validation of prior learning for admission to higher vocational education by Gunn Marit Storum, Fagskolen Viken in Norway.

13.35-13.50       Validation of prior learning for admission to pedagogical education by Teacher, Counselor, and VPS Assessor Charlotte Troelsen and Teacher Ann Elsebeth Husted Jakobsen, Via College in Denmark.

13.50-14.00       Break

14:00-14.15       Interview-based recognition of education when documents are missing by Senior Advisor Pasha Kapic from the Directorate for Higher Education and Skills (HK-dir) in Norway.

14.15-14.30       Experiences from a Peer learning-project for recognition of prior learning i higher education. Anders Ahlstrand, Swedish Council for Higher Education (UHR)

14.30-14.50       Panel discussion on barriers and facilitating forces for the use of validation of prior learning as a pathway to training, education, and employment.

14.50-15.00       Closing

EU-flagg og tekst der det står The European year og Skills

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