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EPALE - Spletna platforma za učenje odraslih v Evropi

Kakšna je vloga EU pri izobraževanju odraslih?

Kako EU podpira posameznike in projekte na področju učenja odraslih?

EU na več načinov podpira sektor učenja odraslih v Evropi - spodbuja raziskave in deljenje dobrih praks, promovira inovacije in sofinanciranje usposabljanja in izobraževanja posameznikov.

What is the EU’s role in adult learning?

In the timeline below you can see how the EU has promoted adult learning over the years. The timeline includes highlights, such as important policy publications and initiatives.

Council Recommendation of 16 June 2022 on individual learning accounts outlines how Member States can combine financial and non-financial support in an effective way to empower all adults to develop their skills throughout working life, and progress towards the Porto adult learning targets. The Recommendation was underpinned by an impact assessment.
Council Recommendation of 16 June 2022 on a European approach to micro-credentials for lifelong learning and employability defines a common definition of and a standard format for describing the outcomes of short courses, in order to increase transparency and facilitate the communication of skills acquired during training throughout the working life.

Resolucija Sveta o strateškem okviru za evropsko sodelovanje v izobraževanju in usposabljanju v smeri evropskega izobraževalnega prostora in zunaj njega

Council Resolution on a strategic framework for European cooperation in education and training towards the European Education Area and beyond outlines how European cooperation can further enrich the quality, inclusiveness and digital and green dimension of the EU education and training systems.
On 25 June 2021, the European Council welcomes the EU headline targets of the European Pillar of Social Rights Action Plan and the Porto Declaration. Leaders thereby support the ambition that at least 60% of all adults should participate in training every year by 2030.

Program znanj in spretnosti za Evropo daje prednost izobraževanju in prekvalifikaciji ter strokovnem izpopolnjevanju, vključno s spretnostmi za življenje, opolnomočenje s pomočjo posameznih mehanizmov financiranja in cilji za udeležbo odraslih pri učenju.

Akcijski načrt za digitalno izobraževanje (2021–27) razširja področje uporabe na neformalno in vseživljenjsko učenje, osredotoča se na digitalno usposobljenost in digitalno krepitev zmogljivosti institucij, vključno z odraslimi učeči se in strokovnjaki

Program znanj in spretnosti za Evropo za trajnostno konkurenčnost, socialno pravičnost in odpornost - Bruselj, 1.7.2020, COM (2020) 274 konč.

Doseganje evropskega izobraževalnega prostora do leta 2025 - sporočilo Komisije

COM (2020) 625 končno, Bruselj, 30.9.2020

Akcijski načrt za digitalno izobraževanje (2021-2027): Prilagajanje izobraževanja in usposabljanja za digitalno dobo


Komisija je v delovnem programu predlagala izvedbene ukrepe.

Svet sprejema sklepe, s katerimi obnavlja svojo zavezo podpori odraslih s šibko razvitimi temeljnimi spretnostmi

Delovni dokument Komisije o Priporočilu Sveta o Poti izpopolnjevanja: nova priložnost za odrasle. Pregled izvedbenih ukrepov, Bruselj, 27. 2. 2019 SWD (2019) 89 končno.


Member States outlined their measures to implement Upskilling Pathways.

At the Gothenburg social summit, The European Parliament, the Council and the Commission proclaim the European Pillar of Social Rights. The Pillar sets out 20 key principles which represent the beacon guiding us towards a strong social Europe that is fair, inclusive and full of opportunity in the 21st century. Adult learning has a central role in the Pillar, as its first principle is the right to “quality and inclusive education, training and life-long learning”.

On 19 December the Council adopts the recommendation Upskilling Pathways - New opportunities for adults. This aims to help Europe's 64 million adults who do not yet have an upper secondary qualification to acquire a minimum level of literacy, numeracy and digital skills and then progress towards an upper or lower secondary qualification.

The New Skills Agenda for Europe proposes that Member States adopt a Skills Guarantee to raise the level of adult basic skills.


The 2015-2020 priorities for EAAL are set:

  • ensuring the coherence of adult learning with other policy areas
  • increasing the supply and take-up of adult learning provision
  • widening access through workplace-based learning, ICT and second-chance opportunities
  • improving quality assurance, including initial and continuing education of adult educators.

The Council publishes a resolution on a renewed European Agenda on Adult Learning (EAAL), consolidating policy in the field of adult learning. This is the EU reference text on adult learning policy.


The Commission publishes the communication It is always a good time to learn. It includes an Action Plan on Adult Learning (2008-2010) that provides, for the first time, common priorities to be encouraged in the adult learning sector.


The Commission publishes the communication It is never too late to learn highlighting the essential contribution of adult learning to employability and mobility and to social inclusion.


The Council of the European Union publishes its Resolution on Lifelong Learning, highlighting the ‘cradle-to-grave’ principle of education and its provision in different environments.


The EU begins working on adult learning policy.


EU’s work on adult learning begins with the Treaty of Rome through which the European Community promoted basic and advanced vocational training.