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EPALE - Elektronisch platform voor volwasseneneducatie in Europa


New MOOC: Discover the importance of public engagement in science, and learn techniques to share and raise awareness of your research.

Vivien Bodereau

Good science communication ensures the public engage with and understand relevant scientific research. On this course, you will learn how best to share your science findings with your intended audience.

You’ll explore how the relationship between society and science has evolved over time, and find out how traditional and social media can be used to share research. You’ll learn to identify your target audience and define your message to build a shareable story.

You’ll also discover guidelines for working with journalists, and how to host small events to share information with the public.


A flexible online course

This course is hosted on FutureLearn, and is accessible free of charge. Participants can learn at their own pace, at anytime, anywhere, either on a laptop, tablet, or smartphone.

95% of learners stated that they gained knowledge thanks to this course developed by University of Turin in collaboration with University Autónoma de Madrid. Science Communication and Public Engagement” is 1 of 25 EIT Food online courses available all year round for consumers and citizens.

This course attracted 4900+ learners from 83 countries to date. It is composed of 6 learning hours, broken down in 3 weeks.

Learning objectives and outcomes

Once completed, participants will be able to:

  • Design small-scale public science communication events
  • Reflect on the role of traditional and social media in the communication of science
  • Improve your science communication activities by clearly identifying the target audiences, messages and stories


EIT Food Education focuses on looking at ways to attract, develop and empower talent to help transform the food system into an innovative sector, one which produces healthy and sustainable food and is trusted by society. Adult educators and trainers play a crucial role in enabling such transformation.


Connection with 2022 EPALE Thematic Focuses

Since adult education plays a key role in sustainable development and promotes social and environmental dimensions of sustainable development by enabling positive conditions for empowering active citizens, EIT Food may support adult educators in this challenge. This course is a valuable tool for trainings and educational programmes on sustainability and citizenship.


Let’s stay in touch

For EIT Food’s latest updates, connect with us through Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. We look forward to seeing you there!


This blog post has been written by Maria João Soares, Junior Marketing Manager at EIT Food.


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