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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Erasmus+ Project ViSAS – Virtual Social Art Stage: Wintercamp in Vejer, Spain

The winter camp of the ViSAS project took place under the Andalusian sun in February. ViSAS stands for „Virtual Social Art Stage“.

Profile picture for user Christine Best.
Christine Best

The aim of the project is to bring youth work into the digital space with artistic means from various European organisations.

In the course of the winter camp, 16 participants aged between 18 and 30, three trainers and five European partner organisations (see below) prepared and rehearsed a joint play for 10 days as part of a blended mobility. The countdown to the camp was experienced with excitement and everyone was thrilled when they could finally enter the Palomar de la Breña - a small hotel with its own dovecote. In advance, there were many preparation meetings on the project's own platform, so it was easy for everyone to recognise and meet each other.

The participants dedicated the 10 days to the fairy tale "Sleeping Beauty" and the related questions about the future. A real undertaking, as the working process was to function in English, French, Spanish, Italian and German. Whether it was the proximity to the sea, the sun, the community or simply the possibility to communicate with hands and feet, it worked! On the last evening of the camp, the participants performed their show "Sleeping Beauty... what now?" to much applause during a multiplier event. But first, the ViSAS project, the digital platform and the planned playbook were presented by Projektfabrik. Kerstin Guhlemann from the Social Research Centre of the TU Dortmund also explained the planned scientific paper about ViSAS and the evaluation.

After the participants had said goodbye the next day, the partner organisations had a two-day project meeting. There will be a reunion for some of the participants when the partner organisation Patchanka hosts the autumn camp in Turin. The digital reunion has already been decided, the commitment is being cultivated. The partner organisations are already looking forward to October in Turin.

Cooperation Partner:

ViSAS project team.



Group exercise.
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Tom Borg

EPALE 2021 Thematic Focuses. Let's start!

We invite you to enrich what is set to be an intense year ahead with your contributions and expertise! Let's start by taking parto in this online discussion. The online discussion will take place Tuesday 9 March 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET. The written discussion will be introduced by a livestream with an introduction to the 2021 Thematic Focuses, and will be hosted by Gina Ebner and Aleksandra Kozyra of the EAEA on the behalf of the EPALE Editorial Board.

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Mahira Spiteri

Diskussjoni ta’ EPALE: Il-forniment ta’ tagħlim ta’ ħiliet bażiċi

Il-ħiliet bażiċi huma trasversali. Dawn mhumiex rilevanti biss għall-politika edukattiva, iżda huma rilevanti wkoll għall-politiki tal-impjiegi, tas-saħħa, soċjali u ambjentali. Il-bini ta’ miżuri ta’ politika koeżivi li jappoġġjaw lill-persuni bi ħtiġijiet bażiċi ta’ ħiliet huwa meħtieġ mhux biss biex il-Perkorsi ta’ Titjib tal-Ħiliet ikunu suċċess, iżda wkoll biex jgħinu fil-bini ta’ soċjetajiet aktar reżiljenti u inklużivi. Id-diskussjoni online se ssir f’din il-paġna fis-16/17 ta’ Settembru bejn l-10:00 u s-16:00 CET u se tkun immoderata mill-Koordinaturi Tematiċi ta’ EPALE tal-EBSN


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