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EPALE - Pjattaforma Elettronika għat-Tagħlim tal-Adulti fl-Ewropa



Keynote Speech - Koen Timmers

Koen Timmers is an award winning Belgian educator, lecturer, researcher, author and speaker. He is passionate about inspiring people through teaching, and in 2017 and 2018 he was recognised as one of the best teachers globally as part of the Global Teacher Prize.    

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EPALE Editor

Keynot Speech - Koen Timmers.

Koen Timmers is an award winning Belgian educator, lecturer, researcher, author and speaker. He is passionate about inspiring people through teaching, and in 2017 and 2018 he was recognised as one of the best teachers globally as part of the Global Teacher Prize.          

What makes him so special? He uses a specific educational approach that he calls CARE! (Collaboration, Guidance, Real problem-solving, Empathy, and ‘the ! factor’ – being responsive to the learner). Koen inspires other teachers to engage learners with new technologies and innovative projects.

To know more about Koen Timmers:

Watch on EPALE.

Keynote Speaker Koen Timmers.


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Tom Borg

EPALE 2021 Thematic Focuses. Let's start!

We invite you to enrich what is set to be an intense year ahead with your contributions and expertise! Let's start by taking parto in this online discussion. The online discussion will take place Tuesday 9 March 2021 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. CET. The written discussion will be introduced by a livestream with an introduction to the 2021 Thematic Focuses, and will be hosted by Gina Ebner and Aleksandra Kozyra of the EAEA on the behalf of the EPALE Editorial Board.

Profile picture for user Mahira.
Mahira Spiteri

Diskussjoni ta’ EPALE: Il-forniment ta’ tagħlim ta’ ħiliet bażiċi

Il-ħiliet bażiċi huma trasversali. Dawn mhumiex rilevanti biss għall-politika edukattiva, iżda huma rilevanti wkoll għall-politiki tal-impjiegi, tas-saħħa, soċjali u ambjentali. Il-bini ta’ miżuri ta’ politika koeżivi li jappoġġjaw lill-persuni bi ħtiġijiet bażiċi ta’ ħiliet huwa meħtieġ mhux biss biex il-Perkorsi ta’ Titjib tal-Ħiliet ikunu suċċess, iżda wkoll biex jgħinu fil-bini ta’ soċjetajiet aktar reżiljenti u inklużivi. Id-diskussjoni online se ssir f’din il-paġna fis-16/17 ta’ Settembru bejn l-10:00 u s-16:00 CET u se tkun immoderata mill-Koordinaturi Tematiċi ta’ EPALE tal-EBSN


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