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EPALE - Eiropas pieaugušo mācīšanās elektroniskā platforma



Keynote Speech - Koen Timmers

Koen Timmers is an award winning Belgian educator, lecturer, researcher, author and speaker. He is passionate about inspiring people through teaching, and in 2017 and 2018 he was recognised as one of the best teachers globally as part of the Global Teacher Prize.    

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Keynot Speech - Koen Timmers.

Koen Timmers is an award winning Belgian educator, lecturer, researcher, author and speaker. He is passionate about inspiring people through teaching, and in 2017 and 2018 he was recognised as one of the best teachers globally as part of the Global Teacher Prize.          

What makes him so special? He uses a specific educational approach that he calls CARE! (Collaboration, Guidance, Real problem-solving, Empathy, and ‘the ! factor’ – being responsive to the learner). Koen inspires other teachers to engage learners with new technologies and innovative projects.

To know more about Koen Timmers:

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Keynote Speaker Koen Timmers.


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Jaunākās diskusijas

Oksana Soročina

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Pievienojieties mums, domājot par zaļajām prasmēm kā veidu, kā risināt tādus sarežģītus savstarpēji saistītus jautājumus kā klimata pārmaiņas un vides problēmas.

Elīna Krasta
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Iekļaušana un daudzveidība visās izglītības jomās - projekta rezultāti

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Oksana Soročina

Prasmju paktā iekļautās pamatprasmes

Izpētiet pamatprasmju integrēšanu Prasmju pakta iniciatīvā!


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