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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа


AI Compass: Navigating the new labor market | Project Page

We are developing an AI compass. Navigate the AI-dynamized job market with us!

Profile picture for user n008wi7y.
Frollein Flow
Community Hero (Gold Member).

Here we go!

There is a lot going on in the world of AI right now. There is an incredible amount of hype: research is being conducted and published, and an endless number of webinars and courses are being launched. But how sound are the approaches and ideas being discussed? We want to find out:

  • What is really helpful in all this research?
  • What does it mean for the labour market?
  • Which workers will actually be affected?What exactly do they need in terms of reskilling, upskilling or fitskilling?Which tools are really effective?
  • And what can we do as individuals and as a society to keep up with the times professionally?

We are convinced

The key to positively shaping a world with AI is personal curiosity and a good compass! This is what we want to develop together with you over the coming months. We want to learn to navigate through the new labour market, explore current tools and topics and understand and discuss the developments of our time. This will be our AI compass.

AI Compass .

In response to the swift advancements in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and their impact on the labor market, we are launching a groundbreaking initiative: the AI Compass. This innovative project aims to create a space for reflection and exploration of new competency paths. We plan to track the latest developments in the AI technology market and examine their consequences for the world of work. From the medium-term changes in the labor market to the jobs of the future, our project provides insights into how we can adapt and prepare for these shifts. Moreover, a key focus is on testing multilingual tools to enhance cross-border communication and translate the needs of the working population into necessary skills and competencies.

The AI Compass is designed for educators and adult learners from all EU countries, offering them a forum to stay continuously updated with the technological zeitgeist, including the implications for the labor and adult education markets. It aims to show individuals in AI "threatened" professions how they can increase efficiency, personal development, and identify potential future job opportunities. It also assists small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in upskilling, understanding short- and medium-term developments, and how to train their workforce accordingly. Education policymakers seeking new approaches to continuing education will find a platform for exchange and inspiration here. They can learn about current discussions and initiatives in other EU countries or within the Commission. Our project highlights current EU education policy approaches, such as individual learning accounts, and discusses how these can be utilized to foster the necessary competency development.

If you are curious and want to find out what is happening, we invite you to come along and take part in our online sessions and civil society research.

We have established an EPALE group, so we can discuss and keep you informed.


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