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EPALE Newscast September 2023 - Getting ready for the EPALE Community Conference

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EPALE Editor

After a small summer break, EPALE and the Lifelong Learning Platform are back with a new episode of the EPALE Newscast, delivering the latest updates on adult learning and education.

What is it about?

This edition will be all about the EPALE Community Conference 2023, which will take place from 10 to 12 October 2023. The event moderator Tamsin Rose will share a sneak peek of the activities planned during the three days of exchanges and cooperation, in the context of the European Year of Skills. All of this, alongside the usual news!

When and where?

As usual, the EPALE Newscast is coming to you, live, on the first working Monday of the month: this one will air on 4 September at 12.00pm CEST!

Can’t make it on time? No problem, the EPALE Newscast will remain available for you to watch (and re-watch!) on the EPALE Newscast section, ready to keep you updated on the latest news in the adult learning and education world.

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