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ЕПАЛЕ - Електронска платформа за учење на возрасните во Европа



EPALE celebrates International Day of Tolerance

In 1995 UNESCO declared 16 November as International Day of Tolerance.
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In 1995 UNESCO declared 16 November as International Day of Tolerance. The purpose of this day is to raise awareness about the dangers of bias and the importance of respecting and valuing other people’s culture, forms of expression, their universal human rights and fundamental freedoms.

Here at EPALE we appreciate the importance of adult education as a means to foster tolerance. It can help migrants and disadvantaged groups integrate into society and make society more open and accepting to other cultures, it can help break stereotypes and prejudice, and raise learners’ cultural awareness.



Take a look at some of our featured blog posts and resources on the topic of adult learning and tolerance.


Blog posts

Lifelong Learning Week: 6 lessons learnt about migrant education and citizenship

Migrants and refugees are an opportunity: 9 key lessons from Sweden

The challenges of adult education programmes in two refugee camps

The benefits of recognising refugee qualifications

What role does adult education play in the refugee crisis?

Adult Education and Citizenship in Post Conflict Societies

I am an active member of multinational society

Small events with a large reach

Building diverse communities through volunteering

"Learning to live together" – a key and topical task for European adult education

Invisible people: Adult Education for a brighter life

European perspectives on citizenship education

Lifelong Learning in the battle against extremisms

Refugees welcome! The Role of German Public Libraries (German)

Gender and diversity: Standards, attitudes and methods (German)



Education to Foster Intercultural understanding and solidarity in Europe: now including 21 good practices!

Promoting citizenship and the common values of freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination through education

The role of education in promoting European fundamental values

A Guide to European Diversity

Youth Voluntary Work Scheme Overseas

Curriculum and recommendations for the implementation of the program for social integration of third-country women citizens (Slovenian)

Manual and guidelines for mentors of social integration of third-country women citizens (Slovenian)

Dossier "Diversity Management in Adult Education"

Intercultural opening - work aid

Museums, migration and cultural diversity. Guidelines for museum work

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